What is RZ2 zone?

Zone objectives. a) Provide for the establishment and maintenance of residential areas where the housing is. low rise and contains a mix of single dwelling and multi-unit development that is low to. medium density in character particularly in areas close to facilities and services in.

What does RZ2 mean?

Suburban Core Zone
RZ2 – Suburban Core Zone. Typically located around shops, RZ2 blocks over 700m2 can generally have two or more houses built and be sub-divided and sold separately.

What is RZ2 zoning Canberra?

RZ2 – Suburban Core Zone This is the area where houses are built around shops or commercial hubs. Residences are possible to be near shops and public transportation. RZ2 blocks that are over 700m2 that can accommodate a mix of a single dwelling and multi-unit development that is low to medium density in character.

What to do with Rz2 block in Canberra?

RZ2 blocks that are over 700m2 that can accommodate a mix of a single dwelling and multi-unit development that is low to medium density in character. Most developers and builders look for these blocks for redevelopment projects.

What does Rz1 stand for in Canberra Australia?

RZ1 – Suburban zone In general, this is the area or residential zone where most housings in Canberra are built. Low rise and low-density houses Minimal change can occur especially on the original pattern of the single dwelling.

What are the housing zones in Canberra Australia?

RZ1, RZ2, Rz3 & Rz4 in Canberra. The Housing Rule in Canberra uses zones based on the Territory Plan 2008. These zones serve as a practical guide for the government to accustom the planning controls for a particular area or block of land. These zones define how the land can be used and what can be built in the area.

Is there basement car parking in Rz2 block?

Basement car parking is not permitted on single dwellings if beneath a 2 storey dwelling. This is the area where houses are built around shops or commercial hubs. RZ2 blocks that are over 700m2 that can accommodate a mix of a single dwelling and multi-unit development that is low to medium density in character.