Can a torn labrum in the shoulder heal itself?

A labrum isn’t totally capable of complete self-healing and repair, and if you do decide to leave it to heal on its own, it usually won’t heal evenly.

What does a torn shoulder labrum feel like?

The main symptom of a labral tear is usually a sharp, catching type sensation in the shoulder with movement. A vague aching for several hours may follow this. This catching feeling may occur only with certain movements of the shoulder, while otherwise the shoulder may feel normal and pain-free.

How long does it take to recover from torn shoulder labrum?

Once your sling comes off, you will need to do flexibility exercises in order to restore strength and mobility to your shoulder. Overall, you can usually expect your torn labrum shoulder surgery recovery time to be between three and six months.

Can a torn labrum fully heal?

A hip labral tear won’t heal on its own, but rest and other measures can help manage symptoms of a minor tear. Nonsurgical treatments include: Anti-inflammatory medications: Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen (Motrin®, Advil®) can reduce inflammation.

How bad is labrum surgery?

Potential complications of labrum repair Blood vessel damage. Incomplete repair or postoperative failure. Instrument breakage during surgery. Joint stiffness or damage to other joint structures.

Can I lift weights with a torn labrum?

Boyle determines that it is safe. It is generally safe to return to heavier weight training at three months following shoulder labral repair. Before embarking on a weight training program, you should have a full range of shoulder motion and normal strength in the rotator cuff and scapular muscles.

Is labral tear surgery worth it?

Doctors recommend labral tear surgery to patients who they think are good candidates—these patient are not at high risk for surgical complications and are likely to have good postsurgical results. For other patients, a hip replacement or other hip surgery may be considered.

How long will I be off work after labrum surgery?

This is about 2 to 3 weeks after surgery. Remove the sling and keep your arm at your side while you shower. Most people who work at desk jobs can return to work in 2 to 3 weeks. If you lift, push, or pull at work, you will probably need 3 to 4 months to recover.

What are the symptoms of a torn shoulder labrum?

The most common symptoms of a torn shoulder labrum are: shoulder pain, instability and, in some cases, a feeling of grinding, locking or catching while moving the shoulder. These symptoms may vary depending on the type of labral tear a person has.

Where does the labrum go in a shoulder dislocation?

The ball of the shoulder can dislocate toward the front of the shoulder (an anterior dislocation) or it can go out the back of the shoulder (called a posterior dislocation). In either case the labrum can be torn off of the bone. Usually when this happens the labrum does not heal back in the right location.

Can a torn labrum be repaired without instability?

However, if there is a large tear of the labrum, the torn part should either be cut out and trimmed, or it should be repaired. Which treatment is used depends upon where the tear is located and how big it is. This type of tear requiring repair without instability of the shoulder is rare.

Can a shoulder labral tear heal without surgery?

Can a shoulder labral tear heal without surgery? In some cases, the labrum can heal with rest and physical therapy, depending on the severity of the tear. “Surgeons should try to be as conservative as possible when treating a torn shoulder labrum,” says Dr. Fealy.