Can having mono while pregnant hurt the baby?

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) – causes glandular fever (infectious mononucleosis). It does not appear to cause harm to the baby if contracted during pregnancy. The virus which causes hand, foot and mouth disease – it is not known to damage a developing baby.

Does mononucleosis affect the spleen?

Enlarged spleen Mononucleosis may cause enlargement of the spleen. In extreme cases, your spleen may rupture, causing sharp, sudden pain in the left side of your upper abdomen. If such pain occurs, seek medical attention immediately — you may need surgery.

How long does mono affect your spleen?

The signs and symptoms of mono typically last for 1 to 2 months. The incubation period may be shorter in young children. Some symptoms, like sore throat and fever, typically lessen after 1 or 2 weeks. Other symptoms such as swollen lymph nodes, fatigue, and an enlarged spleen may last a few weeks longer.

How common is enlarged spleen with mono?

It becomes enlarged in about half of people with mono. If the spleen becomes enlarged, doctors recommend avoiding contact sports or heavy lifting for a few weeks. This advice is given to prevent the rare complication of splenic rupture that can occur after trauma but can also happen spontaneously.

Can you have a bad cough with mono?

Rare Symptoms Small children with mono may just be a little irritable and have a decreased appetite. On the other hand, they may also have mild upper respiratory infection symptoms, such as a cough, runny nose, or mild fever.

How long does a spleen stay enlarged after mono?

Peak splenic enlargement was typically seen within 2 weeks but, in some, extended to 3.5 weeks. For the majority, splenomegaly resolved in 4 to 6 weeks.

How long does spleen stay enlarged Mono?

A fever and sore throat may last for about two weeks. Muscle aches and fatigue may last for two to four weeks. An enlarged spleen may take up to eight weeks to go back to normal.

How long does a spleen stay enlarged?

Peak splenic enlargement was typically seen within 2 weeks but, in some, extended to 3.5 weeks. For the majority, splenomegaly resolved in 4 to 6 weeks. The long incubation period and variable nature of the disease can make the task of identifying onset of illness a challenge.

Can mono be mistaken for something else?

Mononucleosis is frequently mistaken for other illnesses, such as strep throat, chronic fatigue, or another infection, because the symptoms can overlap, Ramilo says.

Can mono cause permanent liver damage?

Infectious mononucleosis is a largely benign disease process that occurs secondary to infection with the Epstein-Barr virus. However, it can also present with more serious complications, including auto-immune hemolytic anemia and acute liver failure.

How do you know if your spleen is enlarged from mono?

An enlarged spleen typically causes no signs or symptoms, but sometimes it causes: Pain or fullness in the left upper belly that can spread to the left shoulder. A feeling of fullness without eating or after eating a small amount because the spleen is pressing on your stomach. Low red blood cells (anemia)

What are the side effects of mononucleosis?

Anemia, a ruptured spleen, and liver problems are all complications that can result from mononucleosis.

Who is most at risk for infectious mononucleosis?

However, uninfected adolescents and young adults who come in contact with the virus may develop an illness very similar to infectious mononucleosis. The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) may cause infectious mononucleosis in adolescents and young adults.

Can a disease like Mono cause multiple sclerosis?

Multiple Sclerosis New research has indicated that infectious diseases such as mono may be triggers for autoimmune disorders, including multiple sclerosis (MS).

Can a person get mono after getting mono?

Typically, it stays completely dormant, or if you do get mono, it stays dormant after causing the initial case of mono. The virus, however, can sometimes be reactivated.