Can lupus panniculitis be cured?

Lupus panniculitis can be effectively treated with antimalarials. Hydroxychloroquine is the treatment of choice over chloroquine given its lower ocular toxicity risk. Typically, hydroxychloroquine is started at 200mg to 400mg a day.

What is lupus panniculitis?

Lupus panniculitis is a rare variant of lupus erythematosus. It may occur as a separate disease or coexist with systemic or discoid lupus erythematosus. It is characterized by persistent, tender and hard nodules localised on the face, arms, shoulders, breast and buttocks.

Can cutaneous lupus become systemic lupus?

Systemic Symptoms in the Progression of Cutaneous to Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Importance Patients with cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) who develop systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) may have few and mild systemic symptoms.

What is cutaneous lupus erythematosus?

Cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) is lupus affecting the skin. In this autoimmune disease, the body’s immune system attacks healthy skin. There are 3 main types: (1) Acute cutaneous lupus (“acute skin lupus”); (2) Subacute cutaneous lupus (“subacute lupus”); and (3) Chronic cutaneous lupus (“discoid lupus”).

What is traumatic panniculitis?

Traumatic panniculitis refers to changes in the subcutaneous fat related to physical or chemical agents. The clinical picture of traumatic panniculitis is nonspecific. Cutaneous lesions are indurated, warm, red, subcutaneous plaques or nodules not necessary related to the intensity of the injury.

What causes panniculitis?

Causes of Panniculitis Infections (viral or bacterial) Inflammatory diseases, like Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. Specific medicines, like certain types of antibiotics or contraceptive pills. Sarcoidosis, a rare disease that causes your cells to create clumps called granulomas in the skin or lungs.

Is panniculitis serious?

Mesenteric panniculitis typically isn’t life-threatening. It may go away on its own, or it could develop into a severe disease. But while the inflammation is there, it can cause pain and other symptoms that interfere with your life. Your doctor can give you medicine to manage this inflammation and control symptoms.

Can panniculitis be cancerous?

Mesenteric panniculitis is usually benign, meaning the condition itself is not dangerous or cancerous. However, complications can occur. Severe inflammation can cause slowing and blockages in the intestines. This can make other symptoms worse, such as nausea and bloating.

Is cutaneous lupus fatal?

Cutaneous lupus may affect people of any age or gender, but it’s most common among women 20 to 50 years old. The condition is not contagious, and it is generally not life threatening.

How serious is cutaneous lupus?

Cutaneous lupus (skin lupus) can cause irritating and unsightly rashes. Untreated, these rashes can cause long-term damage, such as permanent hair loss, scarring and skin discoloration. Some types of cutaneous lupus can develop into skin cancer.

What is focal fat necrosis?

Fat necrosis is a benign (non-cancerous) breast condition that happens when an area of the fatty breast tissue is damaged, usually as a result of injury to the breast. It can also happen after breast surgery or radiation treatment. Fat necrosis is more common in women with very large breasts.

Does panniculitis go away?

Often, panniculitis affects the shins and the calves, then spreads to the thighs and upper body. It usually will clear away within six weeks of forming and leave no scar. If anything, sometimes a slight mark, almost like a bruise, will remain but then fade away.