Can you cancel Royal Mail redirection?

You can cancel your Redirection at any time. You also have a statutory right to cancel your Redirection within 14 calendar days from the day after we send you a confirmation letter or email (this is the Cancellation Period). If you cancel your Redirection before it has started, you’ll receive a full refund.

How do I fix too many redirects?


  1. Delete cookies on that specific site.
  2. Clear WordPress site, server, proxy, and browser cache.
  3. Determine nature of redirect loop.
  4. Check your HTTPS settings.
  5. Check third-party services.
  6. Check your WordPress site settings.
  7. Temporarily disable WordPress plugins.
  8. Check redirects on your server.

How do I stop Safari from redirecting to apps?

Check Safari Security Preferences

  1. Step 1: Open Safari Security Preferences. Click Safari in the menu bar while within the app and select Preferences.
  2. Step 2: Block Pop-Ups and Disable JavaScript. To prevent redirects, make sure the Block pop-up windows and Warn when visiting a fraudulent website options are checked.

Why is my redirect not working?

First try removing and then re-adding the redirects. Make sure to clear your browser cache when you go back to test. If the problem recurs, then check your . htaccess file to see if something is there that may be interfering with your current redirects.

How do I stop Safari from redirecting?

How do I stop an app from redirecting? From the main device settings, go to Apps, then find Google Play Store in the list, click Open by default, then Open supported links, then Don’t open in this app. Older Android: From the main device settings, go to Apps, then find Play Store in the list, and click Clear defaults.

What causes redirect errors?

The reason you see the “too many redirects” error is because your website has been set up in a way that keeps redirecting it between different web addresses. When your browser tries to load your site, it goes back and forth between those web addresses in a way that will never complete — a redirect loop.