Can you get moles in your private area?

Cancerous moles can grow in the pubic area and on the genitalia as well. These can often go undetected. In some cases, people are embarrassed to share their problem. If you notice something strange, you must consult a specialist timely.

Is it normal to have a mole on your pubic area?

The pubic area is a common place for moles to show up, even in people without a lot of moles. As with any moles, these should be checked regularly for changes. “Any new skin lesion or one that bleeds easily should be evaluated for skin cancer by a physician,” Dr.

Why does a mole suddenly appear?

It’s thought to be an interaction of genetic factors and sun damage in most cases. Moles usually emerge in childhood and adolescence, and change in size and color as you grow. New moles commonly appear at times when your hormone levels change, such as during pregnancy.

Can you have a mole on your vag?

They can be found throughout the vulva, but most are in the area around the clitoris or on the labia majora or minora. Vulvar melanomas can sometimes start in a mole, so a change in a mole that has been present for years can also indicate melanoma.

What do moles look like when cancerous?

Border – melanomas usually have a notched or ragged border. Colours – melanomas will usually be a mix of 2 or more colours. Diameter – most melanomas are usually larger than 6mm in diameter. Enlargement or elevation – a mole that changes size over time is more likely to be a melanoma.

When should I worry about a mole?

It’s important to get a new or existing mole checked out if it: changes shape or looks uneven. changes colour, gets darker or has more than 2 colours. starts itching, crusting, flaking or bleeding.

Can moles show up later in life?

Some moles can be present at birth, but most appear during childhood or young adulthood. New moles that appear later in life should be checked by a doctor. Once a mole has developed, it will usually stay the same size, shape, and color for many years. Some moles may eventually fade away.

What does it mean if my mole hurts?

So, a painful mole is not always a sign of danger. And cancerous moles are often not at all painful. But some moles that become cancerous, which, in the case of a pigmented mole, means melanoma, can be accompanied by pain or unusual sensitivity different from the surrounding skin.

Why am I getting more moles as I get older?

As you age, it is only natural for your skin to go through changes. Wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin and dry areas are all common complaints associated with ageing and are classed as inevitable. The sun can make the skin age more rapidly and exposure is associated with the appearance of new moles.