Can you have labyrinthitis for years?

A small number of people experience dizziness and vertigo for months or even years. This is sometimes known as chronic labyrinthitis.

Can labyrinthitis cause permanent damage?

In rare cases, labyrinthitis causes lasting (permanent) damage to the eighth cranial nerve. This can cause lasting problems with balance, and part or total hearing loss. You might need to use a hearing aid. Get treatment right away to help reduce your risk for these complications.

Can labyrinthitis be chronic?

Serous labyrinthitis is most frequently a result of chronic, untreated middle ear infections (chronic otitis media) and is characterized by subtle or mild symptoms. Less common is suppurative labyrinthitis, in which bacterial organisms themselves invade the labyrinth.

What is the fastest way to cure labyrinthitis?

Treating labyrinthitis Symptoms can be relieved with medications, including: prescription antihistamines, such as desloratadine (Clarinex) medications that can reduce dizziness and nausea, such as meclizine (Antivert) sedatives, such as diazepam (Valium)

What is the fastest way to recover from labyrinthitis?

A person can take over-the-counter antihistamines to ease some of the symptoms of viral labyrinthitis, such as nausea or dizziness. Stronger antihistamines, such as meclizine or promethazine, are available on prescription. A doctor may also prescribe corticosteroids or sedatives for people with more severe symptoms.

What gets rid of labyrinthitis?

Is labyrinthitis the same as Vertigo?

The main symptom of both labyrinthitis and vestibular neuritis is vertigo. Vertigo is not the same as feeling dizzy. Dizziness means that you feel unsteady or light-headed. But vertigo makes you feel like you’re spinning or whirling.

Does labyrinthitis cause hearing loss?

Labyrinthitis is an inflammation or infection of the labyrinth, the balance and hearing organs within the inner ear. It causes vertigo and hearing loss.

How long does labyrinthitis last?

Take necessary precautions as you get better. While the most severe symptoms of labyrinthitis usually last about a week, you can still have milder symptoms for three weeks (on average). Sudden dizzy spells while driving, climbing, or operating heavy machinery can all prove dangerous as you recover.

Can labyrinthitis be prevented?

Labyrinthitis is typically caused by an underlying condition, so you can help prevent labyrinthitis by taking steps to avoid those conditions. Try to reduce your exposure viruses and infections by regularly washing your hands and keeping proper hygiene.