How are definite articles used in Spanish grammar?

Definite articles. In English, the same definite article is used with all nouns, singular, plural, and uncountable/mass nouns: the man, the men; the woman, the women; the house, the houses; the rice; the fear. In Spanish, a different definite article is used with singular and plural nouns: el hombre, los hombres; la mujer, las mujeres; el coche,…

How many indefinite articles are there in Spanish?

Because we need to match the noun’s gender and number, there are 4 different indefinite articles: un, una are equivalent to the English “a”, “an” or “one”. Hay un hombre en la casa. There is a man in the house. Mallorca es una isla de España.

How to write a basic sentence in Spanish?

2. Basic Spanish Sentences This section will give you some commonly used basic spanish expressions. It is meant to give you an overall feel of what the language sounds like and how it is spoken. Please refer to our other sections for a more in-depth explanation of the grammar.

Which is an example of a neutral article in Spanish?

In Spanish, a neutral article is placed before an adjective which is being used as a noun. Examples: Su conducción es lo peor. (His driving is the worst.) Lo interesante del libro son los ejercicios. (The interesting thing about the book is the exercises.)

Are there any feminine nouns in the Spanish language?

Perhaps ‘SMARLONE’ will help you to remember the above! Nouns ending in ‘a’ are feminine: niña, mesa, ventana. Nouns ending in ‘ción’ are feminine: canción, nación, situación. Nouns ending in ‘sión’ are feminine: profesión, posesión, Nouns ending in ‘d’ are feminine: amistad, ciudad, voluntad.

What are some examples of plural nouns in Spanish?

Singular and Plural Nouns in Spanish. Most Spanish nouns are either singular (one) or plural (several). The plural of nouns that end in a vowel (-a, -e, -i, -o, -u) is usually formed by adding an -s. Examples: silla/sillas; padre/padres; taxi/taxis; mango/mangos;