How did the South industrialize after the Civil War?

After the Civil War, sharecropping and tenant farming took the place of slavery and the plantation system in the South. Sharecropping and tenant farming were systems in which white landlords (often former plantation slaveowners) entered into contracts with impoverished farm laborers to work their lands.

How did industrialization impact the South?

It was part of the Industrial Revolution and made cotton into a profitable crop. Cotton planting expanded exponentially and with it, the demand for slaves. The South was thus wedded even more firmly to slave labor to sustain its way of life. The South rejected the factories and the move into cities.

What industries were developed in the South after the Civil War?

Textiles and steel = two industries that grew in the South after the Civil War. Agriculture = the primary source of employment (1890, 70% of the people).

What did the South produce for industrialization?

Cotton, however, emerged as the antebellum South’s major commercial crop, eclipsing tobacco, rice, and sugar in economic importance. By 1860, the region was producing two-thirds of the world’s cotton.

Why did the south want industrialization?

The South had an extended growing season and fertile soil which lent itself to agriculture. The North, by contrast, had a short growing season, rocky soil, but more importantly had a large number of rivers and streams which could be used to operate factories.

What are three negative effects of industrialization?

Although there are several positives to the Industrial Revolution there were also many negative elements, including: poor working conditions, poor living conditions, low wages, child labor, and pollution.

Why did most of the South struggle economically after the Civil War?

In the South, a smaller industrial base, fewer rail lines, and an agricultural economy based upon slave labor made mobilization of resources more difficult. As the war dragged on, the Union’s advantages in factories, railroads, and manpower put the Confederacy at a great disadvantage.

What problems did the South faced after the Civil War?

The most difficult task confronting many Southerners during Reconstruction was devising a new system of labor to replace the shattered world of slavery. The economic lives of planters, former slaves, and nonslaveholding whites, were transformed after the Civil War.

Why did the South fail industrialization?

The major reason that industry did not take off in the South was slavery. By the time that industry arose in the rest of the US, slavery was so entrenched in the South that industry could not take hold. So the main barrier between the South and industrialization was slavery.

Why did industry fail in the South?

Why did industry fail to develop in the south to the extent that it did in the North? The South also did not have a very good transportation system. The North had invested in roads, canals, and railroads to join the region together into an integrated market. The South had no such investments.

What is the difference between Old South and New South?

From a cultural and social standpoint, the “Old South” is used to describe the rural, agriculturally-based, slavery-reliant economy and society in the Antebellum South, prior to the American Civil War (1861–65), in contrast to the “New South” of the post-Reconstruction Era.

What are the negative impacts of industrialization?

Although new methods and machinery simplified work and increased output, industrialization introduced new problems as well. Some of the drawbacks included air and water pollution and soil contamination that resulted in a significant deterioration of quality of life and life expectancy.

How did the Southern economy change during the Civil War?

The Southern economy, while shaky throughout the war, grew markedly worse in its later years. The Emancipation Proclamation both enraged the South with its promise of freedom for their slaves, and threatened the very existence of its primary labor source.

What was the industrial expansion in the post Civil War?

A large part of the industrial expansion during the post Civil War years was based on connecting the industrial northeast with the farm and grazing areas of the Midwest and Plains states and completing the transcontinental railroads.

How did the Industrial Revolution affect the south?

But the beginnings of the industrial revolution in the prewar years was almost exclusively limited to the regions north of the Mason-Dixon line, leaving much of the South far behind. In 1860, the South was still predominantly agricultural, highly dependent upon the sale of staples to a world market.

What did people call the New South after the Civil War?

Grady and like-minded southerners referred to this regional economic remake as the “ New South .” Portrait of Henry Grady. Henry Grady. Image courtesy Wikimedia Commons. Following the Civil War, the North experienced a period of rapid industrialization and technological advancement known as the Second Industrial Revolution.