How do I get hired at Cisco?

How to apply for Cisco off-campus jobs

  1. Visit to apply online.
  2. Search for careers section.
  3. Click on Jobs opportunities on the next page.
  4. Select jobs: sales, marketing on that page.
  5. After that enter your location where you are living.
  6. Open the link of the post for which you are applying for.

Is it easy to get a job at Cisco?

Getting a tech job at Cisco is no easy feat, as the company conducts a rigorous application and interview process.

Is Cisco a good place to start career?

Software Test Engineer at Cisco It is indeed good place to kick start your career! You get a chance to work on latest technologies. You have access to all the benefits and perks associated. Cisco is transitioning from hardware to software company, and there are few hiccups along the way.

Do you need a degree to work at Cisco?

Cisco requires candidates for hardware and software engineering positions to have at least a bachelor’s degree; some positions may require a graduate degree ( in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering.

Is Cisco a good employer?

Cisco is an excellent company Job opportunity was great. Team was excellent and dedicated to the mission. Management culture in my area was microscopic. Every move was scrutinized and stifling.

Does Cisco provide free food?

Cisco Systems Free Lunch or Snacks Two very powerful words.

Does Cisco give free food?

Cisco Systems Free Lunch or Snacks.

How to get an internship at Cisco?

Students need to log on to the official website of

  • Now scroll down the home page and check for the “Careers” tab.
  • Hit on the link.
  • A page display on the screen.
  • Here check for the Cisco Internship 2020-2021.
  • Check the job title and the area of interest.
  • Read the description clearly and apply for the internship program.
  • Does Cisco Systems hire felons?

    Based on our research, it appears that Cisco Systems doesn’t hire felons. It should be noted that we compile this information from various internet resources and we cannot guarantee that every company location will feel the same way. However, from what we have seen in our research,…

    What is Cisco job?

    Cisco engineers work for companies, governments, non-profits and any other entity that needs to build or maintain a large computer network. Common duties of Cisco engineers include designing and building networks, providing technical support and identifying and resolving recurring issues.

    What are some careers in networking?

    Some of the possible job titles of related to a networking career are: Network Administrator, Network Manager, Information Security Consultant, Network Scanner, Information Security Consultant, Information Security Officer and Information Security Manager.