How do I renew my SIRB?

First, select your seafarer category and type using the drop down menu. Next, tick the (SRB) Seafarer’s Record Book box, then select “Renewal”. Last, select your application type: regular or on board. Once you are done, click the “Next” button.

What are the requirements for SIRB renewal?


  • Old SIRB/SRB.
  • Marriage Contract, for married woman. Valid NBI Clearance.
  • Certificate of Completion for Basic Training (BT)
  • Duly Notarized Affidavit (for Lost or Damaged) which are still valid.
  • Two Documentary Stamps.

Do seaman’s books expire?

Most books have a validity range i.e., the book is legal and valid only for a fixed duration. This duration depends on the country of issuance but is generally 5 to 10 years long. Once the book expires, the same process is to be repeated for a re-issuance.

How do I apply for SIRB?

Here’s a step by step guide on how to apply for your seaman’s book using MISMO.

  1. Create Your MISMO Account.
  2. Update Your Profile Information.
  3. Select Your Transaction.
  4. Complete the Required Documents.
  5. Set Your SIRB Appointment.
  6. Pay the Fee Within 18 Hours.
  7. Show Up for Your Final Evaluation.

Can I walk in for SIRB renewal?

Using the MISMO system, it will take you at least four days before you can claim your SIRB. But if you opt to walk-in, the fastest you can claim your SIRB would be the same day of application.

Can you reschedule Marina appointment?

Resit and Reschedule WITHOUT PAYMENT ONLY In your Application Tab, you can see your application history and a Set Schedule button. Click it to continue. Aside from that, you can view the Transaction Date and Payment Status which is now FOR RESCHEDULE.

Is Sid ID valid?

Validity of SID SID is valid for 5 years. SID issued to cadets/cadettes below 18 years old for shipboard training purposes is valid only for 3 years. If an applicant is unable to claim his or her SID within 6 months after application shall be revoked.

How long does it take to renew seaman’s book?

It will take at least two days for that. Day 3 – Receive a text message confirming that your application has been verified. Only by then you can set an appointment of your choice. Select the date, time, and MARINA office you want to visit depending on the available slots allotted by MARINA.

Is Sid mandatory for seafarers?

The reason for this is that seafarers are required to hold the SID as part of their employment and the seafarers unions have made it clear that they prefer to have their passport as a separate document which makes no mention of their employment as a seafarer.

How do I renew my SIRB online?

Steps for SIRB Re-issuance

  1. Online appointment thru MARINA’s online appointment website. Upon clicking, that link will take you to another web page that looks like this:
  2. Fill up necessary information.
  3. Click “SUBMIT” once finished.
  4. Click “PROCEED” when satisfied.
  5. Print your SIRB Application Form.
  6. Appearance.

How do I get SIRB online?

6 steps to get SRB using Seamans Book Online Appointment System

  1. Step 1: Make an Online Appointment.
  2. Step 2: Go to selected MARINA Office for your appointment.
  3. Step 3: Submit Documents to Evaluator.
  4. Step 4: Biometrics and Data Capturing.
  5. Step 5: Wait for Application Outcome.
  6. Step 6: Receive the SRB.

How long does it take to process a cop in Marina?

Regular Processing – Php200. 00. Within 5 working days.