How do I reset my WatchGuard firewall password?

Reset Your Password

  1. In the email message that is sent to you, click the reset password link. A web page opens for you to define your password.
  2. In the New password text box, type your new password.
  3. In the Confirm password text box, retype your new password.
  4. Click Save.

How do I use WatchGuard System Manager?

To open WatchGuard System Manager from the Windows desktop:

  1. Click Start > Programs > WatchGuard System Manager 8.2 > WatchGuard System Manager.
  2. Click the Connect to Device icon.
  3. Type the trusted IP address of the Firebox assigned to you for this course.
  4. Type the Firebox status passphrase.
  5. Click OK.

How do I factory reset my WatchGuard M200?

To reset a Firebox M200 or M300 to factory-default settings:

  1. Power on the Firebox.
  2. Wait until the Arm indicator (
  3. Press and hold the Reset button on the front of the device.
  4. Continue to hold the Reset button while the Arm indicator is red or is not lit.

How do I install WatchGuard log server?

in the system tray and select Open WatchGuard Server Center. The WatchGuard Server Center Setup Wizard appears….

  1. From Policy Manager, select Setup > Logging. The Logging Setup dialog box appears.
  2. Click Configure.
  3. Select a Log Server from the list.
  4. Click OK.

How do I log into my WatchGuard firewall?

Connect to Fireware Web UI

  1. https://:8080.
  2. is the IP address assigned to the trusted or optional interface on your device. When you make this connection, the browser loads the login page. The default URL for a WatchGuard Firebox is:

How do I access WatchGuard Firebox?

The URL to connect to the Web UI in your browser is:

  1. https://:8080.
  2. is the IP address assigned to the trusted or optional interface on your device. When you make this connection, the browser loads the Log In page. The default URL for a WatchGuard Firebox is:

What port does WatchGuard System Manager use?

The WatchGuard policy controls access to the Firebox on these TCP ports: 4105, 4117, 4118. When you allow connections in the WatchGuard policy, you allow connections to each of these ports.

How do I reset my WatchGuard t80?

Restore Factory-Default Settings

  1. Power off the Firebox.
  2. Press and hold the Reset button on the back of the Firebox.
  3. Power on the Firebox while you continue to hold the Reset button.
  4. Continue to hold the Reset button until the Attn indicator on the front of the Firebox begins to flash.
  5. Release the Reset button.

Where are WatchGuard logs stored?

The default location for the log file is: My Documents\My WatchGuard\Shared WatchGuard\logs.

How do I access WatchGuard logs?

To see the log messages for a WatchGuard server, select Home > Servers. Select the Name of a Firebox, cluster, group, or server. The Tools > Executive Dashboard page opens. From the Start and End drop-down calendars, select the start and end date and time for the log messages, then click Apply.

Can you change the administrator passphrase on WatchGuard?

After you have set up WatchGuard Server Center, you can change the Administrator passphrase at any time. You cannot change the user name of the admin user. You can only change the passphrase. For more information about the WatchGuard Server Center Setup wizard, see Set Up WatchGuard Servers.

How is the pre shared key used in WatchGuard?

The pre-shared key is a passphrase used by two devices to encrypt and decrypt the data that goes through the tunnel. The two devices use the same passphrase. If the devices do not have the same passphrase, they cannot encrypt and decrypt the data correctly.

What’s the passphrase for the Status User Account?

The built-in read-only password or passphrase that allows access to the device with the status Device Management user account. The status user account is assigned the Device Monitor role. When you log in with the status user account, you can review your configuration, but you cannot save changes to the Firebox.

What happens if I Change my administrator passphrase?

If you change your Administrator passphrase, and then restore a backup configuration file with an old Administrator passphrase, the old passphrase is restored with the server configuration. For more information about how to restore a backup configuration file, see Back Up or Restore the Management Server Configuration.