How do you cite a page number in MLA?

MLA in-text citation style uses the author’s last name and the page number from which the quotation or paraphrase is taken, for example: (Smith 163). If the source does not use page numbers, do not include a number in the parenthetical citation: (Smith).

Where do page numbers go MLA works cited?

Formatting the Works Cited Section Page numbers: Just like the rest of your paper, the top of the page should retain the right-justified header with your last name and the page number.

Do you put a page number on works cited MLA?

List page numbers of sources efficiently, when needed. If you refer to a journal article that appeared on pages 225 through 250, list the page numbers on your Works Cited page as pp. 225-50 (Note: MLA style dictates that you should omit the first sets of repeated digits.

How do you cite page numbers and volume in MLA?

The volume number follows the title of the journal. Give the volume number. Add a ‘period’ and the issue number(s) directly after the volume number. Citations for magazines do not require volume and issue numbers, even if they are present.

Should works cited page have a page number?

Works Cited Page (MLA) Helpful Hints The Works Cited Page(s) should continue to have the header and page numbers listed at the top of each page.

What is MLA style example?

MLA citing with two containers should be formatted like this: Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Source.” Title of Container, Other Contributors, Version, Numbers, Publisher, Publication Date, Location.

How do you reference without page numbers?

If you wish to cite a web resource that does not include page numbers, you can include any of the following in the text to cite the quotation: A paragraph number, if provided; alternatively, you could count paragraphs down from the beginning of the document: e.g. British Medical Association (2014, para.

How do you format page numbers in MLA format?

MLA format requires that you add your last name and page number in the upper-right corner of each page. Here’s how you do that in Microsoft Word: 1. Go to the “Insert” menu at the top of the page, and select “Page Numbers.”. 2. Select the options “Top of Page” and “Right,” then click “OK.”.

How do you write numbers in MLA style?

According to the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (Seventh edition), for most MLA style papers, spell out numbers written in one or two words such as “two” or “three hundred.”. If you begin a sentence with a number, spell it out, even if it is a date or other number that uses more than two words.

How do I cite within my MLA paper?

Locate the name or names of the author or authors of the book you wish to cite. MLA requires an in-text citation as close to the information you are borrowing as possible. In the text of your paper, include the author’s last name and the page number(s) where the information you are using is located in the book.

How do you cite a source in MLA format?

Place the author’s name and the page number in parentheses. Whenever you quote from or paraphrase a source in your writing, you should include an in-text citation. The basic format recommends putting the last name of the author of the source, followed by the page number, in parentheses.