How do you get a fire started without a starter log?

Tying several sheets of newspaper together into a knot, to help increase the time it burns for. Taking the bark off the logs and using that as a form of kindling. Using other bits of small wood such as twigs and pinecones. An alternative fire starter such as long lasting firelighters.

What can I use if I don’t have a fire starter?

10 DIY Fire Starter Ideas (And How to Make Them At Home)

  1. Self-igniting Fire Starter.
  2. Cotton String/Pad Soaked in Wax.
  3. Dryer Lint, Egg Carton & Wax.
  4. Cotton Balls in Vaseline/Petroleum Jelly.
  5. Sawdust or Shredded Paper Cupcakes.
  6. Pinecone Fire Starters.
  7. Corks Soaked in Rubbing Alcohol.
  8. Dried Orange Peel.

How do you start a fire in a fireplace without newspaper?

Find tinder.

  1. Use lint. Pack a toilet paper roll with dryer lint.
  2. Use pine needles. Use pine needles or pinecones to start a fire.
  3. Save and dry small pieces of tree bark. Bark catches fire quickly and will maintain embers for a long time.
  4. Use dry debris.

Are starter logs bad for fireplaces?

This is a myth. Artificial firelogs are not bad for your fireplace; in fact, they’re cleaner, safer, easier, and cheaper than regular wood. Artificial firelogs are also known as fake firelogs, wax firelogs, or artificial wax firelogs.

Why won’t my logs catch fire?

If your logs won’t catch fire, it may be that you have started too big. Light some kindling wood or paper first, and wait for it to catch fire to some small logs or pieces of coal. If you overload your wood burner with logs, the lack of air circulation can also cause your fire to go out.

How do you make fire starters out of toilet paper rolls?


  1. Cut toilet paper tubes in half.
  2. Stuff a chunk of dryer lint inside the tube and wrap in wax paper, twisting the ends.
  3. Place the fire starter inside a designated fire spot and add crumpled newspaper, kindling and wood.
  4. Light the end of wax paper and watch as your fire takes off.

Can paper be used as kindling?

1. Crumpled Paper Products: Newspaper, paper towels, toilet paper, and scrap paper are go-to items for starting wood stoves and fireplaces. A dry bit of paper can be a lifesaver in campfire building as well. Bonus survival use: Crumpled balls of paper make good insulation if stuffed into your clothing.

Why are Duraflame logs bad?

Other sites state that frequently burning fire logs (and even wood) can pose some health concerns. The carbon monoxide emitted can cause symptoms including headaches, dizziness or nasuea. The Duraflame site states that, “…they only burn with flames and do not generate adequate coals for cooking.”

Are Duraflame logs bad for chimney?

Do duraflame firelogs cause excessive creosote buildup? Burning a duraflame® firelog results in significantly less creosote accumulation than burning wood. If this material is not regularly removed from the chimney burning a hot fire in the fireplace could ignite it and cause a chimney fire.

Can a starter log be used to start a fire?

Whether you are in the middle of the woods or settled in your home on a cold winter’s night, fires can be a great source of heat and light. To get a fire started, the simplest and easiest way is to use a starter log. But if you happen to be stuck without one of these convenient devices, it is not the end of the world.

What’s the easiest way to start a fire without matches?

Start a fire without matches using flint and steel. One of the easiest match-free ways to start a fire is to use flint and steel. Flint and steel kits can be purchased relatively inexpensively and are easy to start a fire with if you have a tinder kit, especially if your tinder kit includes charcloth.

How do you make your own fire starter?

Light a fire with one match each time with these homemade fire starters. Create a double boiler by placing the empty can in the pan with water. Make sure the can is clean and dry. Place the candle into the can. Heat the water to melt the candle wax. Stand the cardboard tubes up on end in the cookie tin.

What’s the best way to light a log on fire?

You can feed the flame with small kindling, such as dried grass, pinestraw, or twigs, and then use the more stable flame to light your logs on fire. 3. Start a fire without matches using a glass lens. Some of us discovered this method quite on accident as children when we melted toys with a magnifying glass or accidentally caught bugs on fire.