How do you sneak into Neugrad?

Head over to the quest marker southwest of Ford Neugard to meet Ralof (You can fast travel to Greywater Grotto or Helgen for a shorter walk). He will then request for you to sneak into the fort and free the prisoners. Head round to the back of the fort and take out any patrolling guards along the way if you like.

How do I fix the glitch in the rescue from Fort Neugrad report to Ralof quest The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim?

Fix this by killing all the Stormcloaks in the area except for Ralof. When Ralof is next talked to, he will complete the quest. An alternate way to fix this is to travel to the Whiterun Military Camp, then walk with Ralof up until one reaches the bridge that crosses into Riverwood, then wait for one hour.

Can you clear Fort Neugrad?

The Imperial army will take control of the fort if you clear it out, or if you advance the Stormcloaks quest line up to the Liberation of Skyrim quest (Liberate Falkreath step).

How do I sneak into Fort kastav?

Sneak Into the Fort[edit]

  1. Head toward the left parapet. Wait until evening, get into sneak mode, and remove your armor or lighten the amount you’re wearing.
  2. Stand on the first set of steps. If you want to be extra-cautious, you can take further steps to try to remain undetected.
  3. Proceed to the grate (top-left).

Why do I keep failing to sneak into Fort Neugrad?

Mod Notes: This is due to a scripting error that causes the objective to fail even if you’re not spotted. You may fail the objective “Sneak into the fort” even if you approach the cave completely undetected at night, even if not taking the main road.

How do I get Thorald released?

Thorald Gray-Mane is chained to the wall in the back of the room. Kill the Northwatch Interrogator to free him.

Is Fort greenwall Clearable?

The fort will be taken over by whoever wins the civil war, or by the faction currently holding Riften if the player first clears it of bandits….Skyrim:Fort Greenwall.

Military Fort: Fort Greenwall (view on map) (lore page)
# of Zones 4
Clearable No
Respawn Time 10 days
Level Min: 6

Where is the grate at Fort kastav?

The Legionnaire tells you that there is a grate on the outside of the wall, which you can use to sneak into the prison. After the prisoners have been rescued, Hadvar suggests meeting his men at the courtyard to get rid of enemy soldiers.

Do I have to sneak into Fort Neugrad?

You may fail the objective “Sneak into the fort” even if you approach the cave completely undetected at night, even if not taking the main road. You may also fail the objective if you speak to Galmar too close to the fort.

How do I make peacefully free Thorald?

Where do you go to rescue soldiers from Fort Neugrad?

Rescue from Fort Neugrad is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim in which the Dragonborn must assist the Stormcloaks in rescuing soldiers that have been captured by the Imperial Legion and are being held at Fort Neugrad . Galmar Stone-Fist has sent me to Fort Neugrad.

Can You sneak inside Fort Neugrad in Skyrim?

As soon as you get close enough to the Fort The Imperials will detect the Stormcloaks inside their fort and attack them, resulting an instant skip of the first objective of the quest, since you could not even speak with Ralof you can not get the “sneak inside the fort” ojective from him.

How to rescue Stormcloak from Fort Neugrad?

Rescue Stormcloak soldiers from the Imperials and capture the fort. Speak to Galmar Stone-Fist. Meet the Stormcloak rescue party. Sneak in the cave or fight your way in through the front gate. Free the prisoners. Eliminate the rest of the Imperials.

Where do you get Fort Neugrad prison key?

Eliminate the Imperial soldiers in the prison room and get a Fort Neugrad prison key from them (there should also be one lying on top of a chest in the same room). Open the cells and the Stormcloak soldiers will run to a chest to acquire weapons and armor.