How do you solve a radical equation?

To solve a radical equation:

  1. Isolate the radical expression involving the variable.
  2. Raise both sides of the equation to the index of the radical.
  3. If there is still a radical equation, repeat steps 1 and 2; otherwise, solve the resulting equation and check the answer in the original equation.

How do you simplify like terms?

Like Terms: Terms that have identical variable parts (same variable(s) and same exponent(s)). When simplifying using addition and subtraction, you combine “like terms” by keeping the “like term” and adding or subtracting the numerical coefficients.

How do you write exponents in radical form?

Write the expression (x^2)^(4/3) into radical form. Note that the (x^2) is the base and the (4/3) is its exponent. Use the base law of exponents, which states that (x^m)^n equals x^(m * n). Multiply the exponent on the base by the other exponent: x^(2 * 4/3) or x^(8/3).

What is the difference between rational exponents and radicals?

In a rational exponent, the denominator, or bottom number, is the root. While the numerator, or top number, is the new exponent. In the following examples, the carrot symbol indicates that the right half is the exponent of the left. For example: A radical expression is any expression or equation that contains a square root.

How do you simplify radical square root?

A radical is simplified when the radicand has no remaining square root or nth root factors. In order to simplify radicals, the radicand must be factored, and any factor that is a square root or nth root must be reduced and placed in front of the radical sign. For the purposes of this discussion, square roots will be considered.

What are exponents and radicals?

Remember that exponents, or “raising” a number to a power, are just the number of times that the number (called the base) is multiplied by itself. Radicals (which comes from the word “root” and means the same thing) means undoing the exponents, or finding out what numbers multiplied by themselves comes up with the number.