How do you write a philosophy journal?


  1. Organize carefully. Before you start to write make an outline of how you want to argue.
  2. Use the right words.
  3. Support your claims.
  4. Give credit.
  5. Anticipate objections.
  6. Edit boldly.

Is it bad to publish in predatory journals?

Predatory publications pose a danger that could undermine the quality, integrity, and reliability of published scientific research works. They harm the career of those authors who published on them. The researchers should be aware of the quality of journals while publishing their research results.

How much does it cost to be published in a journal?

Estimating the final cost of publication per paper based upon revenue generated and the total number of published articles, they estimate that the average cost to publish an article is around $3500 to $4000.

Do you get paid when you publish a journal article?

No. Pretty much the only link between academic publishing and your bank account is the fact that you won’t get a job if you don’t publish (discounting the impact buying books has on your bank balance). You don’t get paid for articles you publish.

How do I write my own philosophy?


  1. Start with around 25 words. If it feels right at the length, okay.
  2. Write it down and read it repeatedly. Does it sound right?
  3. If one of your most intimate relationships heard your personal philosophy, would they agree with what you’ve written?
  4. Ask yourself why.

What are features of predatory journals?

Predatory journals are open-access medical journals that publish articles online with little or no peer review, low academic standards, and little credibility. They exist to publish scholarly journal articles for authors who require publications for their curricula vitae.

Why papers published in predatory journals are not recognized by UGC?

The publication pressure among researchers and lack of monitoring the research being conducted are the major factors contributing to articles published in poor-quality predatory open access journals from India.

Do all journals charge to publish?

No regular standard journal charges nothing unless color printing of figures and reprints are opted. Many journals offer an option to keep the article open access which may cost around USD3000. There are many high impact journals with no publication charges.

Can I publish a paper without a PhD?

Yes, it’s possible to get a paper published without having a PhD: PhD students do it all the time. Submitted papers are supposed to be evaluated according to what they say, not who said it.

Can I publish the same article in two journals?

No, you cannot submit the same paper to more than one journal at the same time. This is known as simultaneous or concurrent submission and is considered as an unethical practice.

How to publish your paper in a top philosophy journal?

The interview below provides an in-depth look at the paper submission process from a philosopher’s perspective.

Are there any open access journals of Philosophy?

Millions of open access papers, including philosophy. The site Free Access to Pascal and Francis is an archive of the PASCAL and FRANCIS bibliographic databases in exact, human and social sciences, produced by the Inist-CNRS since 1972 and hitherto accessible with a subscription. Huge collection of open access articles archived in PhilPapers.

Is there a philosophy journal at Stanford University?

The Dualist is a national undergraduate philosophy journal published by Stanford University undergraduates. Its purpose is to offer students from all universities an opportunity to participate in a normally inaccessible part of academic life — the production and publication of papers for general philosophical readership.

Is there a philosophy journal at Concordia University?

Gnosis is a journal of philosophy published by graduate students under the auspices of the Department of Philosophy at Concordia University located in Montreal Quebec. Gnosis was founded in 1973, and has provided students with an opportunity to gain exposure of their work in the public sphere.