How do you write an introduction for an article review?

Introduction: Write the topic of the study, which serves as the identification sentence. It should indicate what the article contains. Clearly outline the order in which every sub-topic will be discussed to give the reader background information needed to understand the sections in the article.

How do I start a free journal article?

The Top 21 Free Online Journal and Research DatabasesCORE. CORE is a multidisciplinary aggregator of open access research. ScienceOpen. Directory of Open Access Journals. Education Resources Information Center. arXiv e-Print Archive. Social Science Research Network. Public Library of Science. OpenDOAR.

What is the fastest way to read a journal article?

How to read a scientific paper quickly & efficientlySkim the abstract. Skimming the abstract first will allow you to get somewhat familiar with the topic at hand. Read the conclusion. after the conclusion, read the results. read the methods section. start this process over again with a different paper.

How long does it take to read a journal article?

We can focus on papers of typical complexity for the journal, and ignore those that are exceptionally easy to read or exceptionally complex. On multiple occasions I have been able to skim an 8 page, 5 figure paper in as little as 10-15 minutes.

Which is the most critical area of an article to read?

Results section

What is the difference between critically reading a research article and journal article?

Research articles, sometimes referred to as empirical or primary sources, report on original research. Review articles, sometimes called literature reviews or secondary sources, synthesize or analyze research already conducted in primary sources. They generally summarize the current state of research on a given topic.