How long does a strained thigh muscle take to heal?

If you are injured, take the time needed to let the muscle heal before you return to sports. Wait until your muscle strength and flexibility return to preinjury levels. This can take 10 days to 3 weeks for a mild strain, and up to 6 months for a severe strain, such as a hamstring strain.

What does a thigh strain feel like?

Symptoms. Those who experience a thigh muscle strain generally feel a snapping sensation in the thigh area. This is the muscle tearing and can create a more serious issue if the blood vessels are also broken. A popping feeling can also be a sign of a thigh muscle strain, where the pain is severe and instant.

What are the symptoms of a torn ligament in the thigh?

Popping or snapping sensation as the muscle tears. Sudden and severe pain. Injured area may be tender to the touch, with visible bruising if blood vessels are also broken.

Can you sprain your upper thigh?

Muscle injuries. Share on Pinterest Muscle injuries, such as sprains and strains, are a common cause of pain in the upper thigh. Sprains and strains can affect any of the many muscles, ligaments, and tendons in the thigh. A sprain is a torn or stretched ligament.

How long does upper thigh pain last?

Quadriceps or hamstring tendonitis It also weakens the muscles in the upper thigh and can cause pain in the thigh near the knee or hip. The symptoms can last for 4 to 6 weeks, and gentle exercise and rest are the best courses of action.

Should I massage a pulled thigh muscle?

What shouldn’t I do if I have a pulled quad muscle? If you have pulled your quad muscle then you should avoid any activities which increase blood flow to the injured muscle. These include hot showers, quads stretches, heat rubs, sports massage, consumption of alcohol and excessive activity.

How long will a muscle strain last?

Recovery time depends on the severity of the injury. For a mild strain, you may be able to return to normal activities within three to six weeks with basic home care. For more severe strains, recovery can take several months. In severe cases, surgical repair and physical therapy may be necessary.

How long does a muscle strain last?

For a mild strain, you may be able to return to normal activities within three to six weeks with basic home care. For more severe strains, recovery can take several months. In severe cases, surgical repair and physical therapy may be necessary. With proper treatment, most people recover completely.

How long does a Grade 1 quad strain take to heal?

Recovery times can vary, depending on the extent of the injury. A person with a grade 1 injury will likely recover within 1–2 weeks if they rest the muscle as much as possible. It can take longer to recover from a grade 2 or 3 strain, in some cases over 1 month.

When does a muscle strain occur in the thigh?

When the thigh is used as an integral part of high-speed activities such as football, running, soccer and basketball, strains can occur rather easily. A muscle strain (also known as a pulled muscle), happens when your muscle is overstretched or torn as a result of overuse, fatigue, or improper use. Strains are commonly confused with sprains.

What causes pain in the front of the thigh?

Front Thigh Pain Pain in front of the thigh is known as anterior thigh pain. Upper front thigh pain can happen suddenly and may be caused by muscle strains or contusions from a direct blow. Chronic or gradual onset of front thigh pain may occur if an injury has not been treated correctly.

What are the symptoms of a thigh injury?

An avulsion fracture is associated with sharp pain, loss of function, and swelling. The symptoms of thigh muscle pain are often worse with prolonged standing and walking or during activities that require repetitive hip extension. The sensations vary, and discomfort is usually alleviated by lying down or sitting.

What kind of muscle tear is in the front of the thigh?

A thigh strain or quadriceps strain is a tear in one of the quadriceps muscles at the front of the thigh. It is common in sprinting and jumping related sports.