How much do Great Pyrenees puppies cost?

Breed Information
Colors White
Litter Size 6-9 puppies
Puppy Prices Average $800 – $1500 USD A Great Pyrenees puppy taken from decent breeders will cost you approximately $800 to $1,500 normally. If you choose a show-quality puppy, then be ready to pay around $2,500 or more.

What is bad about Great Pyrenees?

Potential animal aggression. Most Great Pyrenees will treat the pets in their own family as members of their flock. But they have strong instincts to drive away animals who do not belong to their family. Many Great Pyrenees are dominant or aggressive toward dogs they don’t know.

Is Great Pyrenees a good breed?

The Great Pyrenees is a calm, well-mannered, serious dog known for his great devotion to family, including well-behaved children. These dogs are generally trustworthy, affectionate and gentle, but if the need arises, they will not hesitate to try to protect their family and their territory.

Why are so many Great Pyrenees abandoned?

So many pyrs end up in shelters or rescue because they have often been overbred, unsocialized, underfed and neglected on large farms or with backyard breeders. Overall, Pyrs are calm, gentle giants who make wonderful pets when owners understand their unique nature.

Are Great Pyrenees dogs easy to train?

Training a Great Pyrenees can be difficult, but it can also be easy if you start early and maintain kindness and consistency. Originally bred for guarding livestock, the Pyr is used to working and thinking on his own. This trait is still strong, whether he comes from a line of pet dogs or working dogs.

Can Great Pyrenees be left alone?

Alone Time Though attached to family, Great Pyrenees can handle being left alone for five to eight hours during the day—if given plenty of exercise and mental stimulation otherwise. Without activities to keep the Great Pyr entertained, he may become destructive and will howl or bark.

Do Great Pyrenees bark a lot?

If your Great Pyrenees is prone to barking, rest assured you are not alone. Barking in this breed is very common—so common that it’s rare to see one that doesn’t exhibit this behavior.

Which is better male or female Great Pyrenees?

Although Great Pyrenees are large, protective dogs, they are extremely sensitive. Drool and fur come for free with every Great Pyrenees! Female pyrs tend to rule the show and be more strong-willed than the males, so it is often advised not to adopt two females together or a female with a strong-willed male.

Do Great Pyrenees sleep at night?

The Great Pyrenees was bred to guard the flocks at night while the shepherds were sleeping and predators roamed about. Because of this, he is naturally nocturnal.

How much do Great Pyrenees puppy cost?

A Great Pyrenees puppy is likely to cost between $290-$1,000 with the average price being $550. First-year expenses are around $3,120 and will be about $2,205/year (or $184/month) after that. Through the dog’s lifetime, the average cost of owning a Great Pyrenees is $25,170.

How big is Great Pyrenees puppy?

Growing Dog. Your little ball of white fluff will get big — real big. On the smaller side, a great Pyrenees female will stand a bit over 2 feet tall at the shoulder and weigh 85 pounds. A small male may be 27 inches tall and 100 pounds. It takes two years for a great Pyrenees puppy to complete his growth.

Are there black Great Pyrenees?

One thing is for sure, however: there are no black Great Pyrenees. There may be some with very dark colors, but if someone says they have a black Pyrenean mountain dog, it is not a Great Pyrenees but a mixed breed or similar-looking dog.

What are Great Pyrenees puppies?

Great Pyrenees pup approx. The Great Pyrenees, known as the Pyrenean Mountain Dog outside of North America, is a large breed of dog used as a livestock guardian dog.