How much is a load of pulp wood worth?

The current US South hardwood pulpwood average delivered price is $39.36 per ton.

How do I sell my pulpwood?

These tips are all about how to sell timber.

  1. Mark your property lines.
  2. Know your forest objectives.
  3. Call your local service forester.
  4. Cut through myths and misconceptions.
  5. Get multiple offers.
  6. Check credentials and references.
  7. Consider hiring a consulting forester.

How much is a ton of pulpwood worth?

The current US South hardwood pulpwood average delivered price is $43.01 per ton.

How do I sell timber in Mississippi?

How to Sell Your Timber

  1. Rely on the Expertise of a Registered Forester. Selling timber can be a source of great satisfaction to a landowner.
  2. Develop a Forest Management Plan.
  3. Pre-Harvest Planning.
  4. Determine a Selling Method.
  5. Have a Contract.
  6. Monitor the Harvest.
  7. Closeout with Buyer/Logger.

How much is a logging truck load worth?

An average trailer load of softwood logs would be around $1,900. Hardwood pulp would be around a thousand. High grade hardwood logs would be much higher.

How much money is an acre of pine trees worth?

How Much Money is an Acre of Timber Worth?

Pine Timber Values/Acre
Year Plantation* Natural
2018 $1,694 $1,738
2019 $1,566 $2,055
*Average of all age classes excluding <15 (clearcut)

How much is a redwood tree worth?

The price of redwood has doubled in two years, from $350 to $700 per 1,000 board feet–and more if the tree is old-growth redwood. A good-size yard tree can be worth at least $10,000 and sometimes much more.

Are timber prices up in Mississippi?

As unemployment rates and the overall economy continue to improve, timber markets should recover. Most economic forecasters still expect the recovery to continue throughout 2021. Prices during the 3rd quarter are expected to decline (as they typically do) as we move into the drier months.

How much is a pine tree worth in Mississippi?

Pine pulpwood is selling between $13 and $18 per cord, or $5 to $7 per ton. Hardwood pulpwood prices are $14 per cord, or $3.50 to $4.50 per ton. “About a decade ago, pulpwood was 33 percent of Mississippi’s timber harvest value.

How much do log trucks make per load?

The loads average between $50 and $150 depending on the product and the mill location. Basically you can make $1500 a week if you run hard, REALLY fast, and know your way around the roads.

Are poplar logs worth anything?

One would naturally think that a 50-year-old straight, healthy poplar tree would be worth a fair amount of money. At best, the tree grower will get $129.50 if the loggers are careful and the tree yields 4 saw logs. For 50 years growth, thats a profit of about $2.50 a year.