How much power can a NP205 handle?

This NP205 retrofit makes the t-case capable of “handling 1,000hp and 54-inch tires” boasts Kris Kusznieryk, the president of NWF.

What is the difference between a 203 and a 205 transfer case?

Re: Transfer case question: 203 vs. 205. NP 205’s are a part time t-case while the NP 203 is a fulltime case. The easiest way to tell if you dont know what your looking for is to crawl under the right side of the truck and look on the t-case between the input from the tranny and the output to the front driveshaft.

What fluid goes in 208 transfer case?

since the 208 is chain driven, it takes transmission fluid. dextron III/mercon to be specific.

What fluid goes in a NP205 transfer case?

As has been discussed in previous posts, NP205 transfer cases require 80-90wt Gear oil.

How does a NP203 transfer case work?

The case has an internal differential that selectively splits the power to the front and rear axles when the shifter is not in one of the locked positions. When shifted into Hi-Loc or Lo-Loc, the differential locks to provide equal power to both driveshafts.

Is NP205 full time 4WD?

The NP 205 is a part time case meaning your in 2-wheel or your in 4-wheel. Leave the hubs locked in and shift from 4-hi to 2-hi as needed otherwise drivetrain damage may result.

Is a 208 transfer case good?

The New Process 208 is a chain-driven transfer case. This transfer case is a good gear box with a low ratio of 2.61:1. The weakest part of this transfer case is that the shifter fork wears easily, causing shifting problems. This transfer case was used in production vehicles manufactured from GM, Dodge, and Ford.

What kind of transfer case does a NP205 have?

It’s a 3 speed transfer case system, it has options for the 1:1 and 2:1 options that an NP205 would normally have plus a double low range gear of 4:1 with both cases in low range. Choose an Option… GM Ford Dodge Choose an Option…

What kind of transfer case does a doubler have?

Basically, the Doubler consists of the gearbox section from an NP203 transfer case coupled to a complete 205 transfer case. It’s a 3 speed transfer case system, it has options for the 1:1 and 2:1 options that an NP205 would normally have plus a double low range gear of 4:1 with both cases in low range.

What kind of gearing is in NP205 / 203?

4-to-1 (4:1) transfer case gearing in an NP205/203 package strong enough for big block power and full size trucks…. Or any other really abusive application you can come up with – Chevy, GM, Dodge, Ford or custom!

Is the NP205 lowmax case case case?

The NP205 LoMax Gear/Case kit comes with a new case, cover, and five full gearsets. The new gear sets are manufactured to high tolerances using 8620 alloy standard to the gear industry. Heat treat processes and hardening are being performed to exact New Process Gear specifications as dictated by the original OEM NP205 drawings.