Is cotton stainer an insect?

Dysdercus cingulatus is a species of true bug in the family Pyrrhocoridae, commonly known as the red cotton stainer. It is a serious pest of cotton crops, the adults and older nymphs feeding on the emerging bolls and the cotton seeds as they mature, transmitting cotton-staining fungi as they do so.

What are the white cotton looking bugs?

Mealybugs are small, white insects with a white, waxy, fluffy coating that make them look like specks of cotton.

  • They form colonies and destroy plant tissue by feeding on plant juices.
  • Some feed on roots.
  • To get rid of root-feeding mealybugs, wash the pests and soil from the roots with tepid water.

What kind of bug looks like a cotton ball?

Woolly aphids
Woolly aphids are small, pear-shape insects that can look like tiny, fluffy cotton balls because they are covered with white waxy strands. This waxy covering serves as a deterrent for predator insects.

Which insect is called as cotton stainer?

Dysdercus cingulatus is a species of bug from the family Pyrrhocoridae, more commonly referred to collectively as cotton stainer bugs. The common name “Cotton Stainer” refers its tendency to leave stains on the cotton bolls as it feeds on the plants parts.

What does a cotton stainer eat?

Both adults and nymphs feed on developing pods and seeds, piercing them to suck sap, thereby reducing yield. Attacked young fruits shrivel and then dry. Feeding on mature fruits results in damage to the seeds. Stainers also attack cotton and they live on baobab and silk cotton (kapok) trees.

What does a cotton stainer look like?

They are bright red, yellow or light grey with an orange tinge depending on the species, and with black bands. Stainer bugs are late season pests. They appear when the bolls are ripening. Female lays whitish yellow eggs in moist soil or in crevices in the ground. They hatch to produce reddish-orange nymphs.

How do you stop mealybugs?


  1. Dip cotton balls and swabs in alcohol and remove all visible mealybugs.
  2. Mix 1 cup of rubbing alcohol with few drops of Dawn dish soap and 1 quart (32oz) of water.
  3. Spray the whole plant, not only where mealybugs are visible.
  4. Repeat the treatment once or twice a week until the issue is gone.

What is the best pesticide for mealybugs?

Insecticides. Insecticidal soaps, horticultural oil, or neem oil insecticides applied directly on mealybugs can provide some suppression, especially against younger nymphs that have less wax accumulation.

Is there a bug that looks like lint?

Dust mites, also known as house mites, feed on your dead and dry skin. You’ll also notice dust mites as tiny white bugs looking like lint on your clothes and skin. If your skin is dry, then you’ll experience bites from dust mites. Dust mites’ bites are not dangerous or painful.

How does a cotton strainer eat?

They are conspicuously red with black bands. Both adults and nymphs feed on developing pods and seeds, piercing them to suck sap, thereby reducing yield. Attacked young fruits shrivel and then dry. Feeding on mature fruits results in damage to the seeds.

How do you control cotton stainer?

Chemical: Control the pest with synthetic pyrethroids, carbamates such as carbaryl, or organophosphates such as dimethoate. These should be used only when the threshold level exceeds three cotton-stainers per square metre. Avoid killing natural predators.