Is HB3 and 9005 the same bulb?

HB3 is actually the same as the 9005 bulb size. The base of the bulb where it screws into your bulb slot will be different from an H11. Do you have a Honda? They typically use H11 for their low beams and 9005 for their high beams but so do other manufacturers.

Will a 9012 bulb fit a 9005?

Premium Member. Look carefully, it must be 9006, not 9005. 9006 and 9012 are pretty much the same.

How can I modify 9005 to H11?

YES. With mild modifications, your 9005 bulbs will fit into an H11 socket. The process is just like the 9005 to 9006 conversion process. You only need to chip off the base of your 9006 bulbs slightly and trim the notch on the 9005 bulbs.

Is a 9005 bulb high or low beam?

Philips 9005, HB3 Standard High Beam Headlight | 9005XSB1 |

What is the difference between a 9005 and 9006 bulb?

The 9005 is the High Beam and the 9006 is the Low Beam. You’ll need both of them for your car.

What is the difference between 9005 HB3 and 9006 HB4?

HB3 is generally a full beam bulb and HB4 is a low beam bulb. HB4 bulbs therefore will have a shielded tip and a lower power rating.

What bulb is the same as 9012?

Headlight & Fog Light Bulb Cross-Reference Guide – LED | HID | Halogen

Bulb Equivalent to Lighting Technology
9012 9006, HB4 LED, HID and Halogen
9040 9005, H10, 9055, 9140, 9145, 9150, 9155 LED, HID and Halogen
9045 None LED, HID and Halogen
9055 9005, H10, 9040, 9140, 9145, 9150, 9155 LED, HID and Halogen

Is 9005 brighter than H11?

The H11 is a single low beam light, whereas the 9005 is high beam light with a high illumination capability. They also have varying degrees of energy consumption; the 9005 being on the higher side with 65W, and the H11 has a 55W rating.

Are H11 and 9005 bulbs interchangeable?

No. Despite having a similar design (same L-shape, same plug design), H11 and 9005 bulbs have different bases and locking tabs, making them incompatible.