Is Keysight technologies a good company to work for?

91% of employees at Keysight Technologies say it is a great place to work compared to 59% of employees at a typical U.S.-based company. Management is honest and ethical in its business practices.

What is the salary for technology engineering?

Technology Engineer Salary

Percentile Salary Location
25th Percentile Technology Engineer Salary $63,827 US
50th Percentile Technology Engineer Salary $73,122 US
75th Percentile Technology Engineer Salary $80,527 US
90th Percentile Technology Engineer Salary $87,269 US

What is a good salary in tech?

Overall, the global average salary for tech workers in major cities is $135,000. And the tech industry that’s paying workers the most is transportation, which has an average $145,000 annual salary.

What is the average salary in tech?

Employees at Tech earn an average of ₹20lakhs, mostly ranging from ₹5lakhs per year to ₹50lakhs per year based on 3033 profiles. The top 10% of employees earn more than ₹30lakhs per year.

What is Keysight technologies known for?

Santa Rosa, California, U.S. Keysight Technologies, or Keysight, is an American company that manufactures electronics test and measurement equipment and software.

How many employees does Keysight?

The company has been in the North Bay since 1972, and with 1,300 employees in Santa Rosa and 10,000 worldwide, it is one of the region’s biggest employers and the largest company ever headquartered in Sonoma County.

What is the highest paying job in technology?

The 15 Highest-Paying IT Jobs

  • Data security analyst.
  • Data scientist.
  • Network/cloud architect.
  • Network/cloud engineer.
  • Senior web developer.
  • Site reliability engineer.
  • Systems engineer.
  • Software engineer.

Why are tech jobs paid so well?

With so much more capital available, now high salaries are often just a function of competition. And are often paid in start-ups that require huge, inefficient teams. Nor really do even most SaaS companies, with vast sales and marketing teams. So today — competition is why tech compensation is always higher.

Is Agilent owned by HP?

Agilent Technologies, a spin-off of Hewlett-Packard Company, broke records on Nov. 18, 1999 as the largest initial public offering (IPO) in Silicon Valley history. The US $2.1 billion raised from that IPO was a sharp contrast to the $538 in working capital that founders Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard began with in 1938.