Is nocturnal bradycardia normal?

Sinus bradycardia is common in young adults (particularly the physically fit). Nocturnal rates of 35 to 40 beats per minute and pauses during sleep of 2 seconds or longer are not uncommon.

Can bradycardia be life threatening?

When the heart does not operate as it is supposed to and develops an abnormally slow heart rate that is less than 60 beats per minute, the condition is known as bradycardia. Bradycardia can be life threatening if the heart is unable to maintain a rate that pumps enough oxygen-rich blood throughout the body.

Can bradycardia lead to death?

When bradycardia is more severe, you may experience shortness of breath, chest pain, and fainting. If severe bradycardia goes untreated, it could lead to cardiac arrest, meaning the heart stops beating, and that can lead to death. Not everyone with bradycardia has symptoms.

Is it bad for your heart rate to drop below 40 while sleeping?

For most young people, highly trained athletes, and people who work out regularly, a low heart rate while exercising — defined as below 60 bpm — is normal and healthy. The same goes for your nightly snooze. When you’re asleep, your heart rate normally slows down to 40 to 60 beats a minute.

Does bradycardia affect sleep?

It may not be a term you hear every day, but bradycardia is often associated with sleep apnea in medical diagnoses and research studies. That makes it of natural interest to anyone exploring the causes of, and solutions to, sleep apnea.

What is considered bradycardia during sleep?

During sleep the heart rate may be close to 35 beats/min in the absence of symptomatic bradycardia during waking hours. Many elderly individuals have sinus bradycardia without apparent cause. Increased vagal tone is often responsible for sinus rate slowing.

What causes bradycardia at night?

Transient sinus bradycardia is most often caused by the increased tone in the vagus nerve, such as during sleep. This nerve helps regulate the control of the heart, lungs, and digestive tract.

What is the prognosis of bradycardia?

Prognosis. Bradycardia may be an acute or chronic problem depending upon the etiology. It may resolve and never recur if the inciting event is treated or removed (e.g., hypothyroidism, electrolyte derangements, or medications). However, for patients with an underlying conduction system disease,…

What if your heartbeat is below 60?

Your resting heart rate is consistently above 100 beats per minute or below 60 beats per minute, especially if you have dizziness, shortness or breath, or feel faint. One of the frustrations for people with heart irregularities is that they always seem to go away when you visit the doctor.

What causes slow heart rate while sleeping?

Chronic illness is another potential cause of slow heart rate. Sleep apnea, a breathing disorder during sleep, may result in bradycardic episodes during the day, as well. Loud snoring at night may indicate this issue, and a sleep study can determine if this is the cause for your bradycardia.

What is bradycardia and what causes it?

A common cause of bradycardia is a condition known as sick sinus syndrome, where there is a problem with the conduction of the electrical impulses which spread through heart muscle and cause it to contract. Other causes of bradycardia include drugs, hypothermia, an underactive thyroid gland and sleep apnea,…