Is Tau Sigma a fraternity?

Tau Sigma (ΤΣ) is an honor society for university transfer students. Tau Sigma was established in 1999 at Auburn University….

Tau Sigma
Founded 1999 Auburn University
Type Honor Society
Publication Tau Sigma Harvest
Chapters 100+

How do you get into Tau Sigma?

The minimum academic average required for membership is either a 3.5 on a 4.0 scale (or the equivalent thereof) or an academic average that places the prospective candidate in the top 20% of all incoming transfer students during the term in question.

What does Tau Sigma do?

Tau Sigma is the national honor society exclusive to transfer students. Their mission is to “recognize and promote the academic excellence and involvement of transfer students.” FIUs chapter offers something for all transfers–from leading and learning to connecting and serving.

What are the benefits of joining Tau Sigma?

Benefits for your student

  • recognition for academic achievement.
  • early involvement opportunities in the college or university.
  • opportunity to assume leadership positions.
  • opportunity for assimilation into the student population.
  • a welcoming environment for your transfer student to find commmunity.

What is the symbol of Sigma Tau?

Sigma Tau
Colors Navy blue White
Symbol Pyramid, Rail Section
Publication The Pyramid
Chapters 34 (at time of Merger)

What is Phi Sigma Theta National Honor Society?

About. Phi Sigma Theta is a National Honor Society dedicated to recognizing and rewarding academic achievement in undergraduates at institutions of higher learning. PST also encourages its members to participate in community service, to take advantage of leadership opportunities, and to continue to excel scholastically …

What is a white rose in a fraternity?

Most fraternities have a song especially for the sweetheart which is sung at all functions, and on her birthday. She is usually placed on a chair that is higher than the members, and is presented with a white rose (or whatever their national flower is) as a sign of respect and fraternal friendship.

Is Nsls a honor society?

The NSLS is the nation’s largest leadership honor society. Students are selected by their college for membership based on either academic standing or leadership potential. Candidacy is a nationally recognized achievement of honorable distinction.

What is pi political?

Political incorrectness or politically incorrect, commonly abbreviated to PI or PIC.

Is Phi Eta Sigma a legitimate honor society?

Phi Eta Sigma is a national honor society for first-year college students. The oldest and largest first-year honor society, Phi Eta Sigma was founded at the University of Illinois on March 22, 1923. We now have more than 375 chapters throughout the United States and more than 1,000,000 inducted members.