Is there a common name for loropetalum?

Loropetalum chinense, commonly called Chinese fringe flower, is a white-flowered broad-leaved evergreen shrub of the witch hazel family.

What is a Purple Pixie?

The Purple Pixie® Loropetalum is the perfect, super dwarf evergreen for your landscape. Enjoy dark purple color all year long with minimal maintenance. The color display explodes when the fuschia pink flowers bloom atop the deep purple leaves! The Purple Pixie® Loropetalum is easy to grow and low maintenance.

How fast does Purple Pixie loropetalum grow?

Purple Pixie Dwarf Weeping Loropetalum

Feature Pink ribbons in spring
Dimensions 1 ft H x 4-5 ft W
Growth Rate Moderate
Plant Type Evergreen
Water Needs Low Water Once Established/Water-wise

What are the different types of loropetalum?

Loropetalum chinense Loropetalum ‘Cerise Charm’ 3′-4′.

  • Loropetalum chinense Loropetalum ‘Crimson Fire’ 2-3′.
  • Loropetalum chinense Loropetalum ‘Ever Red’ 6′ from the Gardeners Confidence collection.
  • Jazz Hands Bold Loropetalum 6-8′.
  • Jazz Hands Dwarf Pink Loropetalum 3-4′.
  • Jazz Hands Mini Loropetalum 10-12″.
  • Is purple Diamond loropetalum poisonous to dogs?

    Toxicity: All parts of loropetalum are non-toxic to dogs, cats, and children. Ingestion of any plants can cause mild stomach upset in some pets.

    How do you take care of Purple Pixie loropetalum?

    Purple Pixie Dwarf Weeping Loropetalum Care Plant in well-drained soil and water regularly to establish. Water regularly when the first 3 inches of the soil becomes dry. Water more frequently when grown in containers or hanging baskets. Prune after spring flowering period.

    How do you trim a Purple Pixie loropetalum?

    Size Reduction. Overgrown loropetalums may be cut back after blooming to reduce size. While plants tolerate heavy pruning, it is best to remove only one-quarter to one-third of the plant at a time. Use thinning cuts to maintain a strong form.

    Is Loropetalum toxic to pets?

    All parts of loropetalum are non-toxic to dogs, cats, and children. Ingestion of any plants can cause mild stomach upset in some pets.

    Is ruby loropetalum toxic to dogs?

    The flowers appear in March or April and are 1 to 1 ½ inches long. It is also worthy to note that the plant is considered nontoxic to animals and is recommended as a safe choice for pet owners. A non-native plant, the Loropeta- lum is well-adapted to the south- ern region of the United States.

    What kind of plant is a purple Pixie?

    With it’s dense, mounding form and outstanding foliage and flower color, Purple Pixie® Loropetalum is just the plant we’ve been looking for…for decades.

    How to care for purple Pixie dwarf weeping Loropetalum?

    Purple Pixie Dwarf Weeping Loropetalum Care Plant in well-drained soil and water regularly to establish. Water regularly when the first 3 inches of the soil becomes dry. Water more frequently when grown in containers or hanging baskets.

    What kind of plant has purple flowers in spring?

    Purple Pixie Dwarf Weeping Loropetalum, Loropetalum chinense ‘Peack’ , is a compact evergreen shrub with deep, purple foliage. Showy pink flowers add to the dramatic effect, each spring and less profusely, throughout the summer.

    How tall does a Loropetalum plant need to be?

    The flowers are deep fushia-pink, and the plant has deep purple foliage. It can be grown as a tall hedge with plants spaced 6 feet apart, or it may be limbed up as a small tree. Individual plants in the landscape should be spaced 8 to 12 feet apart.