What are good ideas for a science fair project?

Science Fair Ideas

  • Does music affect on animal behavior?
  • Does the color of food or drinks affect whether or not we like them?
  • Where are the most germs in your school? (CLICK for more info.)
  • Does music have an affect on plant growth?
  • Which kind of food do dogs (or any animal) prefer best?

What are some 3rd grade science projects?

40 Fun Hands-On Third Grade Science Activities Anyone Can Do

  • Boil water in your hand.
  • Mix up your own silly putty slime.
  • Craft fossils from glue.
  • Float an iceberg.
  • Defy gravity with magnets and paper clips.
  • Take a Play-Doh core sample.
  • Spin a disappearing color wheel.
  • Crystallize some pretty fall leaves.

How do you come up with a science fair project?

3 Strategies for an Original Science Fair Project

  1. STEP 1: Based on observations, ask a question.
  2. STEP 2: Predict the answer to the question (we call that prediction a hypothesis)
  3. STEP 3: Design an experiment to generate data to test the hypothesis (easier than it sounds)

Is Mint really cooling science project?

It turns out, the cooling effect of mint is just an illusion. Mint contains a type of protein that regulates the movement of ions across the membrane of cells (called TRPM8). When TRPM8 is exposed to cold, it allows Na+ and Ca2+ ions to enter the cell, triggering the cold sensation.

What can a 3rd grader invent?

Third Grade Invention Ideas

  • Finding Third-Grade Invention Ideas. Hands-on activities, like creating inventions, are a great learning experience for children of all ages.
  • A Mailbox Alert System.
  • Easy Recycling Tubes.
  • A Wallet for the Visually Impaired or Blind.
  • A Mood Headband.
  • A Toothpaste “Pump”

How do you make a NASA project?

To get started on your science fair project, you’ll learn to observe the world around you and ask questions about the things you observe.

  1. Get your idea and do some research.
  2. Ask a testable question.
  3. Design and conduct your experiment.
  4. Examine your results.
  5. Communicate your experiment and results.