What are meteorological terms?

The state of the atmosphere at a specific time. It is the short-term variations in the atmosphere, as opposed to the long-term, climatic changes. It is usually referenced to in terms of sunshine, cloudiness, humidity, rainfall, temperature, wind, and visibility.

What words do meteorologist use?

Explore the Words

  • atmosphere. the envelope of gases surrounding any celestial body.
  • avalanche. a slide of large masses of snow, ice and mud down a mountain.
  • blizzard. a storm with widespread snowfall accompanied by strong winds.
  • breeze. a slight and usually refreshing wind.
  • calamity.
  • catastrophe.
  • climate.
  • cold front.

What words are related to weather?

Word List

weather rain cloud
storm flood muggy
gale flash flood atmosphere
cold front mist isobar
cold snap condensation forecast

What is the rarest weather phenomenon?

Fire Rainbow The real name for this rare weather phenomenon is a circumhorizontal arc. These are caused by light passing through wispy, high-altitude cirrus clouds. They can occur only when the sun is very high – more than 58° above the horizon – in the sky and along the mid-latitudes in the summertime.

What are the 7 types of weather?

Weather types

  • Sunny/Clear.
  • Partially cloudy.
  • Cloudy.
  • Overcast.
  • Rain.
  • Drizzle.
  • Snow.
  • Stormy.

What is a common weather?

On Earth, the common weather phenomena include wind, cloud, rain, snow, fog and dust storms. Less common events include natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons and ice storms. Almost all familiar weather phenomena occur in the troposphere (the lower part of the atmosphere).

Is meteorology a science?

Meteorology is the science dealing with the atmosphere and its phenomena, including both weather and climate.

How do you say good weather?

Describing good weather

  1. anticyclone.
  2. be set fair idiom.
  3. calm.
  4. clear.
  5. clemency.
  6. clement.
  7. cloudless.
  8. dry.

What is the study of weather called?

Climatology is the study of the atmosphere and weather patterns over time. This field of science focuses on recording and analyzing weather patterns throughout the world and understanding the atmospheric conditions that cause them. Scientists who specialize in this field are called climatologists.

What are examples of Meteorology?

The chief factors comprised by the science of meteorology are temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, sunlight and the interactions of each variable, as well as their variability. An example of meteorology would be the NOAA, who study the ocean and the atmosphere.

What do the weather terms mean?

As a noun, the word weather means the atmosphere in terms of temperature, wind, clouds, and precipitation. As a verb, to weather can mean to withstand or to endure(e.g., to weather an onslaught) or to erode (over time) (e.g., to weather the surface rock). Examples: I am not going fishing today.

What is difference between meteorology and climatology?

Meteorology and Climatology are two terms that seem to have the same meaning but strictly speaking there is difference between the two terms. Climatology deals with the scientific study of climate. Meteorology is the study of the processes and phenomena of the atmosphere especially as a means of forecasting the weather.

What does meteorology mean?

Definition of meteorology. 1 : a science that deals with the atmosphere and its phenomena and especially with weather and weather forecasting studied the principles of meteorology.