What are the features of localization?

Localization also involves adapting other elements to a target market, including:

  • Modifying graphics and design to properly display translated text.
  • Changing content to suit preferences.
  • Converting to local currencies and units of measurement.
  • Using proper formatting for elements like dates, addresses and phone numbers.

What is software localization?

Software localization is the process of adapting software to both the culture and language of an end user, from standards of measurement to video and graphic design. It involves not only translation, but also design and UX changes to make software look and feel natural to the target user.

What is the purpose of localization?

Localization is the adaptation of a product or service to meet the needs of a particular language, culture or desired population’s “look-and-feel.” A successfully localized service or product is one that appears to have been developed within the local culture.

Why is software localization important?

Localization allows your software to conform to the cultural norms and linguistic trends of the people who will be using it in any given geographic region. It will be obvious to the user if it seems as though your app was adapted as an afterthought, and negative user experiences often lead to bad reviews.

What are three features of localization?

Localization can consist of all these elements:

  • Translation of the text from original language to target language.
  • Adapting design and layout to fit into translated text.
  • Modifying content to fit the tastes, cultural aspects, and consumption habits of other markets.
  • Adjusting to local regulations and legal requirements.

What is localization strategy?

Localization strategy is how a company adapts its message to a particular language or culture. Localization strategy is your plan to make any needed modifications in tone, imagery and subject matter to successfully connect with the local customer.

What is the difference between localization and translation?

Translation vs localization: what’s the difference? Translation is the process of changing your text into another language, but localization is far more wide-reaching. It considers the cultural, visual and technological aspects of changing a site for users in different languages.

What is localization process?

Localization, to put it simply, is the process of modifying your content for a specific regional or local audience. This is often confused with translation because both include taking original content and translating it into a different language.

What is localization strategy example?

Popular examples of well-crafted localization strategies are Coca-Cola, Microsoft and Nike. At Ulatus, we track brands that do exceptional work with their content localization and shatter language barriers to increase their presence in global markets.

Is localization a translation?