What are the numbers of each tooth?

Teeth numbers 1 – 16 are on the upper jaw. Teeth numbers 17 – 32 are in the lower jaw. As an example, teeth numbers 1, 16, 17, and 32 are your wisdom teeth. Teeth numbers 14 and 15 are your upper left molars.

How are tooth numbered?

Universal method – starting at the rear right upper molar and preceding to the rear left upper molar, teeth are numbered 1 to 16. Then, the bottom teeth are numbered from left to right 17 to 32. This numbering system allows for all 32 teeth, including wisdom teeth, to be present.

How are teeth numbered in Canada?

Quadrant 1 is the upper right, 2 is the upper left, 3 is the lower left, and 4 is the lower right. If you were facing a person then quadrant 1 is YOUR upper left and then go clockwise and you are going 2, 3, 4. Within each quadrant of your mouth there are 8 teeth. Teeth 1 and 2 are the incisors.

What does a gum score of 1 mean?

A score of 1 means that you have some plaque or bleeding from the edges of your gums. Score 2. 2 means there is some hardened dead plaque attached to your teeth, which some gentle cleaning and a little oral health education can help with.

What tooth is 37?

Molars: upper right (16, 17), upper left (26, 27), lower left (36, 37) and lower right (46, 47). Wisdom teeth (third molars) : upper right (18), upper left (28), lower left (38) and lower right (48) (there are 12 molars). (Above illustration reproduced and modified with the author’s permission.)

What does 323 mean at the dentist?

Anything between 1 and 3 is a good indicator that your gums are healthy. However, if you bleed during the process, your gums may be in beginning stages of a more severe problem, even if your measurements are between the target of 1 and 3. Higher measurements than 3 could be a sign of a serious concern.

Why does it smell when I floss between two teeth?

If, after flossing, your floss smells bad, it may be the result of food particles that were not removed and that have begun to rot. A bad smell may also mean there is tooth decay or gum problems that are harboring odor-causing bacteria.

How are the teeth numbered in Canada by the numbers?

This post will discuss the tooth numbering system that dentists use in Canada. I will also discuss briefly the surfaces of teeth. The mouth is divided into 4 sections that we call quadrants. Quadrant 1 is the upper right, 2 is the upper left, 3 is the lower left, and 4 is the lower right.

How are the teeth numbered for wisdom teeth?

Within each quadrant, the teeth are numbered from 1 to 8 going from the front tooth to the wisdom tooth: For example, UR1 is the upper right central incisor, and LL8 is the lower left wisdom tooth.

How are teeth numbered in the Palmer Method?

The first digit denotes the quadrant and the second digit, like the Palmer method, denotes the type of tooth: The mouth is divided into 4 quadrants (upper left, upper right, lower left, lower right), and as in the Letters and Numbers system, teeth are numbered 1-8 going from the front tooth to the wisdom tooth in each quadrant.

Where do the numbers start on a dental chart?

The lettering continues sequentially in the bottom half of the mouth, starting with K, the lower second left molar, right under J, continuing the clockwise sequence of the quadrants, and goes all the way to T, the second molar in the bottom right hand quadrant.