What are the properties of the group 1 elements?

Physical properties of the group 1 elements

  • are soft (they can be cut with a knife)
  • have relatively low melting points.

What are the properties and trends of group 1?

Group 1 elements are known as Alkali Metals. They are called s-block elements because their highest energy electrons appear in the s subshell. Progressing down group 1, the atomic radius increases due to the extra shell of electrons for each element. Going down the group, the first ionisation energy decreases.

What are the properties of an alkali?

Physical properties. The alkali metals have the high thermal and electrical conductivity, lustre, ductility, and malleability that are characteristic of metals. Each alkali metal atom has a single electron in its outermost shell. This valence electron is much more weakly bound than those in inner shells.

What is special about group 1 in the periodic table?

The Group 1 elements are called the alkali metals. They are placed in the vertical column on the left-hand side of the periodic table . All the Group 1 elements are very reactive . Group 1 elements form alkaline solutions when they react with water, which is why they are called alkali metals.

What are the properties of group 0 elements?

The Group 0 Elements

  • The elements in group 0 of the periodic table are called the noble gases.
  • They are all non-metal, monatomic (exist as single atoms), non-flammable gases at room temperature.
  • The group 0 elements all have full outer shells of electrons; this electronic configuration is extremely stable.

What are the group 1 elements called?

Alkali Metals
Group 1A — The Alkali Metals. Group 1A (or IA) of the periodic table are the alkali metals: hydrogen (H), lithium (Li), sodium (Na), potassium (K), rubidium (Rb), cesium (Cs), and francium (Fr).

Is group 1 or 2 more reactive?

The outermost electrons of the alkaline earth metals (group 2) are more difficult to remove than the outer electron of the alkali metals, leading to the group 2 metals being less reactive than those in group 1. These elements easily form compounds in which the metals exhibit an oxidation state of 2+.

What is the largest element in group 1?

(c) Second ionization energy decreases. Second ionization energy is much greater than the first ionization energy for each element….Key Concepts.

Trends: Decreasing Melting Point highest
First Ionisation Energy largest
Electronegativity highest
Group 1 Elements name lithium
symbol Li

What are the five properties of alkalis?


  • Alkalis have a BITTER taste & have a SOAPY touch.
  • Alkalis turn RED litmus paper BLUE.
  • Alkalis have a pH value > 7.
  • Alkalis are CAUSTIC.
  • Alkalis CONDUCT ELECTRICITY due to the presence of MOBILE IONS in solution.

What are the 4 properties of acids?

What are four properties of acids? Of bases? Acids taste sour, react with metals, react with carbonates, and turn blue litmus paper red.

Why is Group 1 most reactive?

Elements in the same group of the periodic table have the same number of valence electrons. These are the electrons in their outer energy level that can be involved in chemical reactions. All the elements in group 1 have just one valence electron. This makes them very reactive.

What are the Group 1 elements called?

What are the physical properties of Group 1?

The elements in group 1 are called the alkali metals. Group 1 is on the left-hand side of the periodic table. The alkali metals share similar physical properties. For example, they: are soft (they can be cut with a knife) have relatively low melting points. have low densities.

Are there any worksheets for Group 1 elements?

Help your students understand the Trends in Group 1 of the Periodic Table – Alkali Metals – with our worksheets pack. This pack contains two worksheets, one designed to as a higher ability worksheet, the other is a lower ability worksheet.

How are Group 1 elements similar to each other?

They have the same number of electrons in their outer shell, so they are similar in their chemical properties. Group 1 contains elements placed in a vertical column on the far left of the periodic table. The elements in group 1 are called the alkali metals. The alkali metals share similar physical properties. For example, they:

Where is Group 1 on the periodic table?

Group 1 contains elements placed in a vertical column on the far left of the periodic table. The elements in group 1 are called the alkali metals. Group 1 is on the left-hand side of the periodic…