What are the Skeleton Creek passwords?

RESTINPEACE This is a password specific to Skeleton Creek, and has to do with laying Edgar Allan Poe to rest, along with the Crossbones.

How old is Sarah Skeleton Creek?

Skeleton Creek & Ghost in the Machine Skeleton Creek is the first of a series. The story opens with Ryan (15/16) being house bound with a broken leg and full cast caused by a falling accident in a dredge on Skeleton Creek. Ryan and Sarah (16) have been forbidden to contact one another.

Who is Sarah Fincher?

Sarah Fincher is Ryan McCray’s long-time best friend, even though they are forbidden to see each other by their parents because of Ryan’s accident on the Dredge. She has an interest in videotaping everything, which is very useful for solving the mysteries of Skeleton Creek and the shadowy Crossbones.

Is Skeleton Creek based on a true story?

One person claims to have evidence that proves Skeleton Creek is anything but fiction. He says he’s discovered files and information that no one else has, and it all points to a very disturbing possibility: Skeleton Creek used real videos of terrifying experiences and they’re passing them off as fiction.

Is there a skeleton Creek movie?

Patrick Carman’s Skeleton Creek (Short 2009) – IMDb.

How did Skeleton Creek end?

Ghost in the Machine picks up where Skeleton Creek left off, with Ryan and Sarah trapped in the Dredge. They escape and return home, after finding out about the Crossbones, a secret society that protects the Dredge. Ryan learns that his father, Paul McCray, is one of the last ones alive.

Is there a Skeleton Creek movie?

How did the town get the name Skeleton Creek?

Why do they call it Skeleton creek? The stream and banks that were made from the destruction of the dredge, were strewn with whitewashed limbs that looked like broken bones.

What did Ryan and Sarah find out about the Crossbones?

Ryan and Sarah try to learn about the Crossbones, a secret society that may include Ryan’s dad and other townspeople. The kids find papers that include alchemy-related diagrams and symbols. Ryan says he and his dad are both storytellers because they like the idea of myths and spirits.

Where is Skeleton Creek located?

The creator uses these videos to determine that the events in Skeleton Creek happened in the real town of Sumpter, Oregon.

How did Skeleton Creek get its name?

Skeleton Creek was so named in 1867 by pioneers who found at the creek bones of Wichita Indians who had died during an outbreak of cholera. At Lovell, the creek has a mean annual discharge of 146 cubic feet per second (4.1 cubic metres per second).

What is the summary of Skeleton Creek?

Summary: Skeleton Creek is about two teens, Ryan and Sarah, who investigated the mysterious dredge and while they do that, Ryan brakes his leg. Now, Ryan and Sarah have been forbidden to talk to each other. They are investigating what they found at the dredge, while secretly emailing each other.