What are the statistics on bullying in the United States?

Here are federal statistics about bullying in the United States. Data sources include the Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2019 (National Center for Education Statistics and Bureau of Justice) and the 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

How often do kids get bullied in school?

Other bullying statistics show that about 77 percent of students have admitted to being the victim of one type of bullying or another. The American Justice Department bullying statistics show that one out of ever 4 kids will be bullied sometime throughout their adolescence.

How are female students more likely to be bullied?

A higher percentage of female students than of male students reported being the subject of rumors (18 vs. 9 percent); being made fun of, called names, or insulted (16 vs. 10 percent); and being excluded from activities on purpose (7 vs. 3 percent).

Are there any recent cases of cyber bullying?

This type of bullying has gotten immense media attention over the past few years sighting instances of cyber bullying pushed too far, and in many cases leading to cases of teen suicide or death.

Where can I find list of bullying cases?

bullying and harassment cases filed against school districts in federal and state courts throughout the country. Each case, organized by state, lists the relief achieved—both monetary and non-monetary—as well as the nature of the harassment, the number of plaintiffs, the basic facts, the causes of action, and the plaintiffs’ attorneys.

How many kids are being bullied at school?

Percentage of students ages 12–18 who reported being bullied at school during the school year, by type of bullying and sex: 2017 NOTE: “At school” includes in the school building, on school property, on a school bus, and going to and from school.

How are out of court disposals related to crime?

The number of individuals prosecuted at all courts fell by 1% compared to the previous year, and there was a 4% reduction in the use of out of court disposals in the latest year (when excluding cautions). It is useful to consider associated crime data and the flow through to courts to provide additional context.

How to contact the National Bullying Helpline?

Bullying | Information and advice for adults and children affected by bullying at work, bullying at school or Cyberbullying Call the the National Bullying Helpline on: 0300 323 0169 or 0845 22 55 787

How often do students report being bullied at school?

One out of every five (20.2%) students report being bullied. (National Center for Educational Statistics, 2019)

When does bullying peak in the middle school?

Youth who are bullied are at increased risk for depression, anxiety, sleep difficulties, lower academic achievement, and dropping out of school (Centers for Disease Control [CDC], 2019) Almost all forms of bullying peak in middle school, specifically 6th-grade students reported the highest percentage of bullying ( 29%) (NCES, 2019)