What autoimmune diseases cause low lymphocytes?

Lymphopenia is not uncommon in several human autoimmune diseases. Reduced total lymphocyte counts are observed in rheumatoid arthritis, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, Crohn’s disease, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and primary vasculitides.

Is 18% lymphocytes low?

The normal range for lymphocytes is between 800 and 5000 (0.8-5.0) lymphocytes per mL of blood. A normal lymphocytes percentage is 18-45% of total white blood cells. Lymphocytes count can be quite varied, and depends on age, gender, race, and even altitude.

How low of lymphocytes is cause for concern?

A diagnosis of lymphocytopenia means that your blood lymphocyte count is below 1,500 cells/microliter. Infants and children have more lymphocytes; less than 3,000 cells/microliter is considered to be too low in this case.

Why would my lymphocytes be low?

Causes of Low Lymphocyte Count Blood diseases like Hodgkin’s disease. Autoimmune disorders like lupus. Infectious diseases like tuberculosis, AIDS, and viral hepatitis. Radiation and chemotherapy treatments.

What is a low lymphocyte number?

For children, a normal lymphocyte count usually is between 3,000 and 9,500 lymphocytes per microliter of blood. The term “lymphocytopenia” refers to a count of less than 1,000 lymphocytes per microliter of blood in adults, or less than 3,000 lymphocytes per microliter of blood in children.

When should I worry about low lymphocytes?

A low lymphocyte count alone may not cause any signs or symptoms. The condition usually is found when a person is tested for other diseases or conditions, such as AIDS. If you have unusual infections, repeat infections, and/or infections that won’t go away, your doctor may suspect that you have lymphocytopenia.

How can I raise my lymphocyte count?

People with low lymphocyte levels should boost their immune system by eating a nutrient-rich diet providing sufficient proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Doctors may prescribe a special diet for people with a weakened immune system.

What is a normal absolute lymphocyte count?

Normal lymphocyte ranges depend on your age. For adults, normal lymphocyte count is between 1,000 and 4,800 lymphocytes per microliter of blood. For children, it’s between 3,000 and 9,500 lymphocytes per microliter of blood.

What is a low lymphocyte count?

If your lymphocyte count is less than 1,000 lymphocytes per microliter of blood, this is generally considered to be lymphocytopenia in adults. In children, a low lymphocyte count is when it’s less than 3,000 lymphocytes per microliter of blood.

What happens if your lymphocytes count is low?

When a person has low lymphocytes count, his or her body becomes less resistant to infections, and can catch severe infections like cancer and tumors. Low lymphocytes count may also result in damage to other organs of the body.

What is the treatment for low lymphocytes?

The number of lymphocytes can temporarily decrease during. Certain viral infections (such as influenza and hepatitis) Fasting. Times of severe physical stress. Use of corticosteroids (such as prednisone) Chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy for cancer.

What are the causes of low lymphocyte count?

There are several possible causes for a low lymphocyte count, including disease processes and the use of certain medications. Infectious diseases, autoimmune disorders, and some forms of cancer frequently lead to this symptom.

What is the cause of low lymphocytes?

Some of the general causes of low lymphocytes count in the body includes the lack of production of lymphocytes in the body or the destruction of lymphocytes even if producing in enough amounts. Sometime lymphocytes may also get caught in the spleen or in lymph nodes.