What does a nine of clubs mean?

The 9 of Club is known as the “Adventurer’s Card”. They like to gamble and are always willing to take a chance. They are intensely curious and when they apply their adventurous spirit to the field of knowledge, they are capable of making profound discoveries that benefit others on a universal scale.

What does the clubs card represent?

The four suits can also be read as symbols of society and human energy: clubs representing both the peasantry and achievement through work; diamonds, the merchant class and the excitement of wealth creation; hearts, the clergy and the struggle to achieve inner joy; spades, the warrior class institutionalised into the …

What does the 9 of spades represent?

Nine of Spade need to find positive philosophical or spiritual ideals to help them cope with their intense inner-emotional conflicts, as they prone to psychosomatic illnesses. All 9 of Spades have tremendous personal magnetism, and they have a strong paternal nature toward those they love.

What is the spiritual meaning of 10 of clubs?

Ten of Club is symbolic of mental illumination. Their greatest success lies within the mental realm of ideas and communicating those ideas to others on a large scale. We also consider the Ten of Club as the Moon Card; known to astrologers as the emotional, intuitive mind.

What does the 4 of clubs mean?

The Four of Club is known as the debaters card; probably because of their fixed opinions and unique ability to shut off emotionally. The people born on a Four of Club day have strong, productive minds, and a good education is key, or they run the risk of talking much, but saying little.

What does the 5 of clubs symbolize?

Versatile, restless, inquiring; forever seeking with an ever changing mind; the 5 of Club is a young soul who is never satisfied with the answers they find. They need constant movement and wide travel — eager to go anywhere rather than remain where they are.

What do the four card suits symbolize?

The four suits in playing cards, clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades, collectively represent the four elements (wind, fire, water, and earth), the seasons, and cardinal directions. They represent the struggle of opposing forces for victory in life.

Why is the suit called clubs?

Its original French name is Trèfle which means “clover” and the card symbol depicts a three-leafed clover leaf. The English name “Clubs” is derived from the suit of Bastoni (batons) in Italian-Spanish suited cards. In Germany, this suit is known as Kreuz (“cross”), especially in the International Skat Regulations.

What does 9 of diamonds mean spiritually?

The spirit of the Diamond is penetrating, clarifying. It is the element of fire and is quick to burn away the dross as it navigates the path of what is worth and what is not. NINE. The value of 9 is service. The personality of the 9 is equipped to influence and serve others selflessly- for the benefit of humankind.

What does Queen of Spades mean in slang?

It connotes white women with a sexual preference for black men. It can be seen on tee shirts or even as a tatoo. Also a way for a white woman to let potential black lovers know she is available.

What does 5 of clubs mean?

Why is the 4 of clubs known as the Devil’s bedpost?

The Devil’s Bedpost Also called the Devil’s Four-Poster Bed, this name for the Four of Clubs is derived from the design of the pips on the card, which can be imagined to be the four posts of a bed. This card is considered by some superstitious folk to be a curse, apparently ruining any hand that includes it.