What does frostiness mean?

Frostiness is a quality of being very cold and icy. You might note the frostiness of your lawn one early morning in November and realize you should go back and grab your winter coat. Brrrr!

What are the 3 synonyms?


  • set of three.
  • ternion.
  • three.
  • threesome.
  • trey.
  • triangle.
  • trilogy.
  • trine.

What does appallingly mean in English?

adjective. causing dismay or horror: an appalling accident; an appalling lack of manners.

What does the Sussexes mean?

n. 1. a former county in SE England: divided into East Sussex and West Sussex. 2. a kingdom of the Anglo-Saxon heptarchy in SE England.

What’s a word for very good?

Superb, outstanding, and terrific are synonyms for very good.

What is another word for good person?

What is another word for good person?

straight arrow honest person
salt of the earth square shooter
straight shooter truth-teller
upright person

What is another word for 4?

What is another word for four?

quadrigeminal quadripartition
quadruple quadruplet
quadruplets quartet
quartette quaternary
quaternion quaternity

What do u call a group of 3?

Triumvirate: any group or set of three.

What is another word for 7 times?

Septuple | Definition of Septuple by Merriam-Webster.

What does the name frosting mean?

Frosting(noun) a composition of sugar and beaten egg, used to cover or ornament cake, pudding, etc. Frosting(noun) a lusterless finish of metal or glass; the process of producing such a finish.

What does the term “frosting” mean?

Definition of frosting. 1a : icing. b : trimming, ornamentation. 2 : lusterless finish of metal or glass : mat also : a white finish produced on glass (as by etching)

What is the meaning of the word frosting word?

frosting ( n.) a flavored sugar topping used to coat and decorate cakes; Synonyms: icing / ice. From wordnet.princeton.edu.

What is another word for frosting?

frosting, icing, ice(noun) a flavored sugar topping used to coat and decorate cakes. Synonyms: crank, methamphetamine hydrochloride, frost, glass, frosting, trash, ice, internal-combustion engine, deoxyephedrine, frappe , sparkler, shabu, chicken feed, chalk, ice rink, icing the puck, meth, methamphetamine , ice-skating rink, water ice.