What fish can live with kribs?

A few companions I would recommend you try with your kribensis are platies, dwarf gourami, kuhli loach, rummy nose tetras, killifish and swordtails. Even so, rainbow kribs can be quite erratic and unpredictable meaning they can be the most peaceful fish in your fish tank or outrightly belligerent.

Is kribensis a community fish?

These are the Kribensis — fish that have become an aquarium standard for the community keeper.

Can kribs live with African cichlids?

Can kribensis live with African cichlids? Take caution when placing a kribensis in a tank with other African cichlids. Some species grow quite a bit larger than the kribs, and many can show aggression.

Are kribs live bearers?

Krib Cichlid – Pelvicachromis pulcher. Breeding the Kribensis Cichlid is fairly easy and if you’re interested in breeding something besides livebearers you might be interested in getting a pair of kribensis. They are fantastic parents and will look after their young.

Are Kribs aggressive?

Because they are dedicated parents, kribs become aggressive while protecting their young. This aggression is usually not a problem if the aquarium is large enough, but they will protect egg and fry—violently, if necessary.

How many killifish should be kept together?

For species tanks, a trio can be housed in 5 to 10 gallons, but a 20-gallon or larger aquarium is recommended for community setups or if you want to keep more than one male.

Do Kribensis eat their fry?

When females eat fry like that it’s usually so they can breed again soon. She’s recycled the energy and used it to make new eggs! The male may try to protect the babies for a while, but he’ll give up soon.

How many Kribensis are in a community tank?

They do best in groups of three or more. Kribensis are not particularly aggressive for a Cichlid. They will defend a territory when spawning, but typically their territories are small and are located at the bottom of the tank. Mid-water and top dwellers are generally left alone.

Can kribensis cichlids live with angelfish?

Kribensis Cichlids If you plan to keep Kribensis with Angelfish, make sure no other small species are present in the tank. The Kribs and Angelfish can hold their own against each other, but small fish may fall victim to the Kribs’ aggression.

Can kribensis live with Rams?

Kribs and Rams do not do well together. They both want the same bottom territory, but the Kribs are more aggressive and the Rams are not able to hold their own against them. Long term, the Rams would likely die.

Are kribs fin nippers?

Kribs are often kept in community aquariums with other fairly passive fish, such as other dwarf cichlids, tetras, and small barbs. They should not be housed with slow-moving species with long and flowing fins because they can turn into fin nippers in such company.

Can Kribensis live with Rams?

Can a Kribensis live in a community tank?

Kribensis will live singly and even in a community tank better than most larger cichlid species. However, they may nip fins on slow-moving fish such as angels.

What kind of fish do Kribensis live with?

Kribensis will live singly and even in a community tank better than most larger cichlid species. However, they may nip fins on slow-moving fish such as angels. Good kribensis tank mates include any fish of a similar size, especially if they live on different water layers in a fish tank.

Why is the kribensis cichlid called a KRIB?

This species is a great choice for the novice keeper and can even be recommended to experienced aquarists. Affectionately referred to simply as “krib” within the hobby, this West African cichlid is called kribensis because it was once known as P. kribensis.

What kind of fish is a rainbow krib?

Rainbow kribs (kribensis) are one of the most interesting fish to look at. They are very colorful and attractive, and they are sure to liven up any tank. Among the crowd of unpredictable cichlids when it comes to behavior, kribs represent a steady and reliable choice. They are not the most aggressive fish, especially if unprovoked.