What is actonville postcode?

Actonville, Benoni, Gauteng, South Africa. – Zip Code: 1506 – Postal Code: 1501.

What is Tunapuna postal code?

List of Postal Districts


How do I find a Canadian postal code?

Find a Postal Code

  1. Start typing a Canadian address in the box provided. Suggested addresses appear as you type.
  2. Select your address from the list of suggestions. For some addresses, you may also be prompted to select an appropriate unit number. The properly formatted address including the postal code will display.

What is my 5 digit zip code Canada?

What Is My 5 Digit Zip Code Canada? If prompted for your ZIP code, just enter the three digits of your postal code plus two zeros. So for example, if your postal code is A2B 3C4, the 5 digit number you should enter is 23400.

What is the area code for Benoni?

Benoni/Area codes

What is the postcode for northmead?

Northmead/Postal codes

What is an example of a postal code?

A United States postal code, for example, might be either five digits or five digits followed a hyphen (dash) and another four digits (12345-1234). If you are validating US postal codes, allow for both conditions.

How do I find a postal code?

USPS.com. To find a zip code with USPS.com, you need to fill in the fields with your USA street address, city, and state. Then click Find and you’ll get your postal code. There is also a tab to get zip code for a company.

What is the zip code for Ontario Canada?

Using Canadian Postal Codes

Lower Postal Code Upper Postal Code Area of Local Multiplier
K0G 0A0 K0H 9Z9 Ontario Average
K0J 0B0 K0M 9Z9 Ontario Average
K1A 0A0 K4A 9Z9 Ottawa
K6V 0A0 K6V 9Z9 Brockville

What is Toronto postal code?

postal codes

Place Code
1 Toronto 66777
2 Toronto 57268

What is the postcode for Actonville South Africa?

State. Postcode. Actonville. City of Ekurhuleni. Gauteng. 1501. Airfield. City of Ekurhuleni. Gauteng.

How to find the postal code for Bowmanville Canada?

Locate the correct postal codes for Bowmanville in the list above by choosing the destination city or town you are sending to. Unsure which city to choose? Just use our lookup by address feature at the top of the page or click on the our interactive map to access your needed zip code.

Where is the town of Acton in Quebec?

Acton Vale is an industrial town in south-central Quebec, Canada. It is the seat of the Regional County Municipality of Acton (MRC d’Acton) and is in the Montérégie administrative region.

How did the town of Acton get its name?

While the Township of Acton was proclaimed in 1806, it wasn’t until 1850 when the area opened up for settlement due to the construction of the railroad. Incorporated in 1861, the town was named for Acton, a suburb of London, England.