What is bracketing in phenomenological study?

Bracketing (German: Einklammerung; also called phenomenological reduction, transcendental reduction or phenomenological epoché) is the preliminary step in the philosophical movement of phenomenology describing an act of suspending judgment about the natural world to instead focus on analysis of experience.

What is the purpose of a bracketing interview for a phenomenological study?

When using the phenomenological approach during the interviews, the main aim is to gain a deeper understanding of the nature or meaning of everyday experiences (Munhall, 2007).

How does bracketing relate to phenomenological reduction?

According to the Husserl’s Ideas on a Pure Phenomenology webpage, “Husserl explains that phenomenological reduction is the process of defining the pure essence of a psychological phenomenon”. By bracketing this data from investigation, one is able to get at the “pure” phenomena from the users point of view.

What is the bracketing process?

Gearing (2004) explains bracketing as a ‘scientific process in which a researcher suspends or holds in abeyance his or her presuppositions, biases, assumptions, theories, or previous experiences to see and describe the phenom- enon’ (p. 1430).

Is bracketing possible?

Bracketing is a method used in qualitative research to mitigate the potentially deleterious effects of preconceptions that may taint the research process. However, the processes through which bracketing takes place are poorly understood, in part as a result of a shift away from its phenomenological origins.

What is the method of phenomenological reduction?

Phenomenology uses the reduction to entirely set aside existential questions and shift from existential affirmation or negation to description. It is a method involving a bracketing or parenthesizing (in German: “Einklammerung”) of something that had formerly been taken for granted in the natural attitude.

What is the concept of phenomenology?

Phenomenology is a philosophy of experience. The task of the philosopher, according to phenomenology, is to describe the structures of experience, in particular consciousness, the imagination, relations with other persons, and the situatedness of the human subject in society and history.
