What is Durbanville postcode?

Durbanville/Zip codes

Which postal code is 7550?

Browse Postcode – 7550 – Page 1

Location District State
Durbanville City of Cape Town Western Cape
Durbanville Hills City of Cape Town Western Cape
Durbell City of Cape Town Western Cape
Durmonte City of Cape Town Western Cape

Is there a postal code with letters?

Most of the postal code systems are numeric; only a few are alphanumeric (i.e., use both letters and digits). For example, while a two digit numeric code can represent 100 locations, a two character alphanumeric code using ten numbers and twenty letters can represent 900 locations.

What is Strand postal code?

Strand/Zip codes

What is brackenfell postcode?

Brackenfell/Zip codes

What is Atlantis postal code?

Atlantis/Zip codes

What is Goodwood postal code?

Goodwood/Zip codes

What is Vredekloof postal code?

Vredekloof, Brackenfell, Western Cape , South Africa. – Zip Code: N/A – Postal Code: 7560.

Is brackenfell a suburb?

Brackenfell is a town in the Western Cape province of South Africa at the gateway to the Cape Winelands. Organisationally and administratively it is included in the City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality as a Northern Suburb and is about 30 kilometres (19 mi) east of Cape Town City Bowl.

What suburb is Atlantis?

Atlantis is a town in the Western Cape province of South Africa and is 40 km (25 mi) north of the Cape Town. As of 2011, it has 67,491 residents….Atlantis, Western Cape.

Province Western Cape
Municipality City of Cape Town
• Total 28.84 km2 (11.14 sq mi)