What is eCampus Dcccd?

Answer. Think of eCampus as a virtual campus — a web-based learning system and electronic community center for students and faculty. This customizable, secure portal offers courses, collaboration and communication tools, assessment features, and access to a vast array of teaching and learning resources.

How do I log into eCampus?

Log In to eCampus​ Step 1: Go to eCampus.dcccd.edu. Step 2: Select “Access My Courses Now.” Step 3: Log in with your Dallas College username and password.

Does Dcccd use Blackboard?

Getting Access – Faculty Association – El Centro College eCampus (Blackboard) is the online classroom for the DCCCD.

Why is eCampus not working?

If you experience issues accessing eCampus and encounter the following Sign On error message from Blackboard, you will need to clear out your web browser’s cache/cookies. Learn how to clear out your cache/cookies in Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari.

What does Dcccd stand for?

Dallas County Community College District
DCCCD: Dallas County Community College District is a body of seven individually accredited colleges – Brookhaven, Cedar Valley, Eastfield, El Centro, Mountain View, North Lake, and Richland, that are all subject to the policies established by the DCCCD Board of Trustees.

Why can’t I log into Blackboard?

Important: If you are unable to log in to Blackboard this could be for one of the following reasons: The username or password has been typed incorrectly. Your account has not been created in Blackboard yet. [It can take up-to 24 hours after you are fully enrolled].

How do I upload grades to eCampus?

In the Control Panel, click Grade Center, and then Full Grade Center. Use the eCampus tool GradeSync to submit Midterm or Final grades to STAR. If you have stored student grades in Excel, you will need to create a new column in the eCampus Grade Center into which you will upload the grades from Excel.

Is Dallas College the same as DCCCD?

For more than 50 years, the Dallas County Community College District provided affordable, quality education to nearly 3 million people through seven independently accredited colleges right here in Dallas County.

What schools are in DCCCD?

Have a question about one of the schools?

  • School of Business, Hospitality & Global Trade.
  • School of Creative Arts, Entertainment & Design.
  • School of Education.
  • School of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics & Sciences.
  • School of Health Sciences.
  • School of Law & Public Service.
  • School of Manufacturing & Industrial Technology.