What is eucalyptus oil best for?

Eucalyptus oil is available as an essential oil that is used as a medicine to treat a variety of common diseases and conditions including nasal congestion, asthma, and as a tick repellant. Diluted eucalyptus oil may also be applied to the skin as a remedy for health problems such as arthritis and skin ulcers.

Is it safe to inhale eucalyptus oil?

Eucalyptus oil can be inhaled through your nose and may provide some cold symptom relief. It’s also found in many topical decongestants. However, because even small doses of the oil can be toxic, you should avoid consuming it ( 9 ).

What is bad about eucalyptus oil?

Ingestion of 3 to 5 mL of pure eucalyptus oil has caused transient coma and even seizures (1). The toxic effects of eucalyptus oil alone include a burning sensation in the mouth and throat, spontaneous vomiting, respiratory difficulty and CNS depression progressing to seizures.

What does eucalyptus do for lungs?

Clear Stuffy Nose. Research suggests that the oil fights respiratory infections by killing bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This is why you can find it in saline nasal wash. It also causes the tiny hair-like filaments in your lungs (called cilia) that sweep out mucus and debris from your airways to move faster.

Do I need to dilute eucalyptus oil?

Pure eucalyptus oil should not be applied directly to the skin. Using it this way can cause severe irritation. To water down an essential oil, a good rule of thumb is to add 12 drops of the oil to each fluid ounce of carrier oil like almond, apricot kernel, avocado oil, or lotion.

Is eucalyptus an antiviral oil?

Eucalyptus oil is reported to have in vitro antiviral activities against various strains of viruses including enveloped mumps viruses (MV) and herpes simplex viruses (HSV-1 and HSV-2) (Lau et al. 2010).

Can you drink eucalyptus oil in hot water?

Thanks to the antimicrobial properties in eucalyptus oil, it can combat bad breath and be used as a natural mouthwash. Simply add one to two drops to water, gargle, and spit out. Be careful not to swallow; eucalyptus oil shouldn’t be ingested.

Is eucalyptus bad for liver?

It is toxic if consumed by mouth, and may interact with several medications. If you are currently taking medications that are processed by the liver, speak with your physician before using eucalyptus preparations. Eucalyptus may act on the liver, and thus impact how a wide variety of medications are metabolized.

Is eucalyptus safe for human?

Eucalyptus contains eucalyptol, also called cineole, an organic compound that is toxic in high doses. Eucalyptus leaves are not safe for humans to eat, although eucalyptus tea contains a safe amount of eucalyptus oil.

How do I clean my lungs with eucalyptus oil?

Eucalyptus essential oil can be used to calm a cough in several ways. A person may want to try: adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil to 1 ounce of carrier oil and rubbing the mixture onto the chest and throat. diluting eucalyptus oil in boiling water and inhaling the steam.

How do I detox my lungs?

There are many ways you can practice a lung cleanse, including making lifestyle changes and performing exercises to help the lungs rid itself of excess fluid.

  1. Get an air purifier.
  2. Change your house filters.
  3. Eliminate artificial scents.
  4. Spend more time outside.
  5. Try breathing exercises.
  6. Practice percussion.
  7. Change your diet.

What mixes well with eucalyptus oil?

Eucalyptus essential oil blends well with Thyme, Rosemary, Marjoram, Lavender, and Cedarwood essential oils for diffusion.