What is the best format for a research paper?

Use these general guidelines to format the paper:Set the top, bottom, and side margins of your paper at 1 inch.Use double-spaced text throughout your paper.Use a standard font, such as Times New Roman or Arial, in a legible size (10- to 12-point).

What is the layout of a research paper?

A comprehensive layout of the research report should comprise preliminary pages, the main text and the end matter. Let us deal with them separately. In its preliminary pages the report should carry a title and date, followed by acknowledgements in the form of ‘Preface’ or ‘Foreword’.

How do you structure a research paper?

Research Paper StructureTitle. Your title is the most important part of your paper. Abstract. The abstract is a summary of your research. Introduction. Include background information on the subject and your objectives here.Materials and Methods. Results. Discussion. Limitations. Acknowledgments.

What are the contents of Chapter 1 in research paper?

The first chapter of a proposal consists of several subheadings or sections: background, research questions, objectives, limitations, rationale, hypothesis (optional), statement of the problem, and methodology.

How many chapters is a thesis?


What is the longest thesis ever written?

The longest PhD thesis was written by historian Joachim Schuhmacher, regarding the development of sailing. His thesis, originally contained 2,654 pages, but was shortened to 2,200 pages and is even mentioned in the Guinness World Records. The thesis was submitted at the University of Konstanz in Germany.

What is Chapter 4 in research?

CHAPTER 4. RESEARCH RESULTS AND ANALYSIS. 4.1 INTRODUCTION. This chapter reviews the results and analysis of the qualitative data, the compilation of the questionnaire and the results and analysis of the quantitative findings of the study.