What is the comma above a letter called?

diacritical mark Add to list Share. Diacritical marks can be squiggles, lines, or dots, and they can hover above a letter or be attached to it. They’re also known as diacritics or accents.

What do accents over letters mean?

Diacritics are marks placed above or below (or sometimes next to) a letter in a word to indicate a particular pronunciation—in regard to accent, tone, or stress—as well as meaning, especially when a homograph exists without the marked letter or letters.

How do I put an accent over a letter?

Press Control + ‘, then the letter to add an acute accent. Hold Control, then tap the apostrophe key. You can find the apostrophe next to the enter key. Release the keys. Then select the desired letter to accent.

What is the line above a letter called in Hawaiian?

In spoken Hawaiian, the ‘ (okina) indicates a glottal stop, or clean break between vowels. The ¯ (kahako), or macron typographically represented as a bar above the letter, as in ā. The macron over a vowel indicates a longer accentuation in pronunciation of the vowel that it appears over.

What is the name of é?

In French, E is the only letter that can be modified with l’accent aigu, the acute accent. With the accent, it may be called either e accent aigu or simply é, pronounced [e] (more or less like “ay”).

What does ā mean in Latin?

from, away, out of (abl)

How do I put an accent over a letter on iPhone?

To type accents on an iPhone or iPad, press and hold the button for the unaccented letter for a moment. A list of accented letters will pop up for you to choose from. To type à or â, press and hold a, then choose. To type é, è, ê, or ë, press and hold e, then make your selection.

How do you write one letter on top of another?

Press “Ctrl” plus the apostrophe key and then the letter to insert an acute accent. Press “Ctrl” plus the grave accent key and then the letter to insert a grave accent.

How do you type a small letter above a letter?

The keyboard shortcut Control+Shift+Plus Sign also toggles the superscript command. In Google Docs, the Format drop-down menu has the superscript option in it, or you can use the keyboard shortcut Control+Period.