What is the postal code of Ilocos Norte?

Ilocos Norte
ZIP code 2900–2922
IDD : area code +63 (0)77
ISO 3166 code PH-ILN
Spoken languages Ilocano Filipino English

What is the postal code of San Nicolas?

San Nicolas (Pob.), Pasig City, National Capital Region (NCR) is located in Philippines. Its zip code is 1600.

What is postcode in Batac?

Tabug, Batac City, Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Region (Region I): 2906 | Philippines Postcode ✉️

What is the first name of Sarrat Ilocos Norte?

San Miguel
Two then Senators, Santiago Fonacier and Isabelo delos Reyes, eventually created the bill that changed the town’s name from San Miguel to Sarrat in 1916.

What is postal code of narvacan?

San Antonio, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur, Ilocos Region (Region I) is located in Philippines. Its zip code is 2704.

How many cities are in Ilocos Region?

Ilocos Region

Ilocos Region Region I
Component Cities show 8
Municipalities 116
Barangays 3,265
Cong. districts 12

How many brgys are in Batac City?

43 barangays
Batac is politically subdivided into 43 barangays, 14 of which constitute the poblacion.

How can I find my postal code?

USPS.com. To find a zip code with USPS.com, you need to fill in the fields with your USA street address, city, and state. Then click Find and you’ll get your postal code. There is also a tab to get zip code for a company.

What is narvacan known for?

The agricultural town of Narvacan is a well-known producer of various great quality products such as tobacco, rice, onion, corn and the so-called golden leaf. But apart from that, the town is also the home of one of the best-tasting treats in the Philippines, the Bagnet.

Who is the mayor of narvacan?


Telephone (077) 732-5739
Fax (077) 732-5739
Income Class 2nd

How many barangays are in Sarrat Ilocos Norte?

Sarrat is one of the 21 municipalities of Ilocos Norte. It belongs to the 1st district having the area of 57.39 km squared. There is (are) only 24 barangay (s) under it. Its zip code is 2914. The barangays are ranked alphabetically. Please refer to the table below for more details.

What are the ZIP codes for Ilocos Norte?

Zip Code for Laoag City, Ilocos Norte – 2900 Zip Code for Marcos, Ilocos Norte – 2907 Zip Code for Nueva Era, Ilocos Norte – 2909 Zip Code for Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte – 2919

What is the ZIP code for Alilem Ilocos Sur?

Zip Codes in Ilocos Sur Zip Code for Alilem, Ilocos Sur – 2716 Zip Code for Banayoyo, Ilocos Sur – 2708 Zip Code for Bantay, Ilocos Sur – 2727 Zip Code for Burgos, Ilocos Sur – 2724 Zip Code for Cabugao, Ilocos Sur – 2732

What is the ZIP code for Santa Maria Ilocos Sur?

Zip Code for Santa Maria, Ilocos Sur – 2705 Zip Code for Santiago, Ilocos Sur – 2707 Zip Code for Santo Domingo, Ilocos Sur – 2729 Zip Code for Sicay, Ilocos Sur – 2719