What is the rarest Enneagram subtype?

The rarest Enneagram type is type four the Individualist. Part of the reason you don’t meet a lot of Types four’s is that they tend to keep to themselves. They often are introverts. You are more likely to encounter a type four in a small group or one on one situation.

What is Enneagram subtypes?

The ordering of your Enneagram Subtypes (Self Preservation, Social, or Sexual/One-to-One) is a central aspect of how you show up in the world and understand yourself. The Subtypes are the key biological drives and fundamental values that influence your feelings and actions.

Which personality type is the rarest Enneagram?

According to an Enneagram Population Distribution study, the rarest Enneagram is Type 8: The Challenger. Next comes the Investigator (Type 5), followed by the Helper (Type 2). The most common is the Peacemaker (Type 9).

Who Should an Enneagram 6 marry?

Enneagram Compatibility: The Most Common Couples

Most Common Match If The:
Woman is Type 5 (Thinker) Man is Type 1 (Perfectionist)
Woman is Type 6 (Loyalist) Man is Type 8 (Leader) or Type 9 (Peacemaker)
Woman is Type 7 (Enthusiast) Man is Type 5 (Thinker) or Type 1 (Perfectionist)

What are the 3 Enneagram subtypes?

The Enneagram system allows for 3 subtypes in each type.

  • Self-Preservation Type Threes: Security.
  • Social Type Threes: Prestige.
  • 1:1 Bonding Type Threes: Charisma.
  • Leadership.
  • Making Decisions.
  • Conflicts and Resolution.

Can Enneagram subtypes change?

Can my subtype change? Yes! Unlike Enneagram type, which is consistent throughout life, subtypes can shift over time based on which survival instinct you need most. This can help explain why you felt like a different type at different times in your life!

What Enneagram type is Taylor Swift?

Taylor Swift’s Personality Type – Enneagram, 16-Personality (based on types by Jung, Myers, & Briggs), and DISC. Taylor tends to have strong social skills and intuition, and may move between topics quickly. As a Type Four, Taylor tends to be creative, sensitive, and expressive.

What is the strongest Enneagram type?

Peacemaker Type 9s
Why Peacemaker Type 9s Truly Are the Most Powerful Type in the Enneagram. When you think of powerful types within the Enneagram, it is tempting to focus on Type 8, the Leader or Type 3, the Achiever. These outwardly focused, action-oriented individuals easily garner the attention and often admiration of others.

Which Enneagram type is the most controlling?

Fours exert the most control by over-identifying with their own feelings and not allowing positive feedback to enter their cellular systems. Is that really getting you what you want? Fives exert the most control by setting absolute boundaries around themselves and not letting others in.

How many instinctual subtypes are there in Enneagram?

To explore the 27 Subtypes, select an Enneagram Type below to display that Type’s 3 instinctual subtypes. We each have a self-preservation instinct, to preserve our body, its life and effective function. This instinct, therefore, focuses us on physical safety, well-being, material security and comfort.

Are there any personality types similar to Enneagram type 6?

Below are the DISC and 16-Personality types that are similar to Enneagram Type 6. You can find your DISC, Enneagram, and 16-Personality types by taking Crystal’s free personality test. Enneagram is a personality framework that can help you understand other people and why they behave in certain ways.

Is the Enneagram 6 part of the head based Triad?

The Enneagram Six is part of the “head-based” triad, along with Type Five and Type Seven. Each of these types deal with fear as a core emotion, but no type tackles fear as head-on as the Six does.

Is the ieq9 integrative enneagram based on instinct?

The iEQ9 Integrative Enneagram incorporates the ‘instincts of human behaviour’ which overlay our type, merging an instinctual need with the emotional need or fear of the core Enneagram type. If one imagines the Enneagram as a plate of food, the instinct determines what you eat first or last.