What is the true history of Christmas?

The first recorded date of Christmas being celebrated on December 25th was in 336, during the time of the Roman Emperor Constantine (he was the first Christian Roman Emperor). But it was not an official Roman state festival at this time.

What is the heresy of docetism?

Docetism, (from Greek dokein, “to seem”), Christian heresy and one of the earliest Christian sectarian doctrines, affirming that Christ did not have a real or natural body during his life on earth but only an apparent or phantom one. They consequently denied Christ’s Resurrection and Ascension into heaven.

Who invented docetism?

The word Δοκηταί Dokētaí (“Illusionists”) referring to early groups who denied Jesus’s humanity, first occurred in a letter by Bishop Serapion of Antioch (197–203), who discovered the doctrine in the Gospel of Peter, during a pastoral visit to a Christian community using it in Rhosus, and later condemned it as a …

Where in the Bible does it say not to celebrate Christmas?

As Jesus said in Luke 16:15, “That which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.” More importantly, though, Christians are commanded in Galatians 4:10-11 to not observe days of the year such as Christmas, for they are an abomination to the Lord God.

What Christmas tradition came from Saturnalia?

Instead of working, Romans spent Saturnalia gambling, singing, playing music, feasting, socializing and giving each other gifts. Wax taper candles called cerei were common gifts during Saturnalia, to signify light returning after the solstice.

What was the major focus of Gnosticism?

The Gnostics were concerned with the basic questions of existence or “being-in-the-world” (Dasein)—that is: who we are (as human beings), where we have come from, and where we are heading, historically and spiritually (cf.

Why is the Bible considered inerrant?

Infallibility and inerrancy refer to the original texts of the Bible. Scholars who are proponents of biblical inerrancy acknowledge the potential for human error in transmission and translation, and therefore only affirm as the Word of God translations that “faithfully represent the original”.

What is the kenosis theory?

In Christian theology, kenosis (Greek: κένωσις, kénōsis, lit. [the act of emptying]) is the ‘self-emptying’ of Jesus’ own will and becoming entirely receptive to God’s divine will.

Where in the Bible is Christmas mentioned?

The Bible and the Believer. The New Testament contains two Christmas stories, not one. They appear in Matthew 1–2 and Luke 1–2.

What was the original meaning of the word docetism?

Docetism, (from Greek dokein,“to seem”), Christian heresyand one of the earliest Christian sectarian doctrines, affirming that Christdid not have a real or natural body during his life on earth but only an apparent or phantom one.

What kind of heresy is docetism about Jesus?

Docetism is an ancient heresy that says Jesus was not fully human. According to Docetism, he seemed to be human, but because Jesus was fully divine, he had no physical body. The form people saw was essentially a ghost.

Why did the Docetists believe Jesus was divine?

Docetists focused on Jesus’ divinity rather than his humanity. They believed that because he was so divine, he could hardly be human. And until the church explicitly defined the relationship between members of the Trinity, and Jesus’ divine and human natures, numerous heretical beliefs sprouted up to explain complicated theological ideas.

Where did the idea of Christmas come from?

In the fifth century the Western Church ordered the feast to be celebrated forever on the day of the Mithraic rites of the birth of the sun and at the close of the Saturnalia, as no certain knowledge of the day of Christ’s birth existed.”. There is no mistaking the origin of the modern Christmas celebration.