What level are Order of the Stick characters?

This section deals with characters that are members of the Order of the Stick. According to Rich Burlew, the author of the strip, the characters are roughly 7th to 9th level when the comic begins, though the characters have displayed abilities that require them to be 13th to 15th level since he made that statement.

How many Order of the Stick books are there?

4 Books
The Order of the Stick Book Series (4 Books)

What edition is Order of the Stick?

Fourth Edition
Dungeons & Dragons Fourth Edition, often abbreviated as just “Fourth Edition” or even “4e”, was the 2007 revision of the classic roleplaying game system that inspired the Order of the Stick strip.

Is Order of the Stick ending?

In December 2019, Burlew stated that the story would end after one more book, but also noted that still means “years and years” of planned content. He noted that the two preceding books took five years each, and that the upcoming final book may be longer than either.

What level is Durkon?

Durkon Thundershield

Durkon Allotrope Thundershield
Biographical information
Status Living
D&D Stats
Level 13

What happened to Erfworld?

In 2018 Erfworld attempted to use crowdsourced cryptocurrency mining as a funding source. On October 11, 2019, the website’s front page was replaced with an announcement, signed by Rob and Linda Balder, which announced the permanent end to Erfworld as a webcomic as a result of a string of personal tragedies.

What does OotS stand for?


Acronym Definition
OotS Order of the Stick (Dungeons & Dragons webcomic)
OotS Office of Traffic and Safety
OotS Orchestra of the Swan (UK)
OotS Out of the Square (Australia)

Is Penny Arcade still popular?

Penny Arcade is among the most popular and longest running webcomics currently online, listed in 2010 as having 3.5 million readers. Holkins and Krahulik are among the first webcomic creators successful enough to make a living from their work….

Penny Arcade
Genre(s) Gaming, Humor, Satire

Is Oots a word?

Yes, oots is in the scrabble dictionary.

What does Oots stand for on Instagram?

OOTD, or Outfit Of The Day, is a common abbreviation used in hashtag form, primarily on Instagram.

Who is the creator of the Order of the stick?

Order of the Stick is a webcomic set in a world that follows Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 Edition rules created by Rich Burlew about six adventurers on their journey to slay the lich Xykon and prevent him from taking over or destroying the world through the use of the gates holding back the creature known as the Snarl .

How many books are in order of the stick?

The story is about six adventurers on their journey to slay the lich Xykon and prevent him from taking over or destroying the world through the use of the gates holding back the creature known as the Snarl . The comic spans six books, with the seventh and final arriving sometime in the future.

Why was Vaarsuvius disqualified from the Order of the stick?

Unsurprisingly, Vaarsuvius was disqualified. Apparently attempting to drown their sorrows, Vaarsuvius visited a local tavern where V encountered the rogue Haley Starshine. Discussing the relative merits of research against adventuring, Haley persuaded V to visit the local adventurer’s tavern to see what opportunities might be available.

Who is the Raven in the Order of the stick?

Ironically, while in early strips Vaarsuvius had to be reminded of Blackwing’s existence (usually by Haley, who gave the raven his name), the group now seems to not recognize Blackwing’s existence, apparently as a result of magical obfuscation.